I think a majority of the people on planet earth would agree with closing the borders of infected countries completely to rule out a global pandemic.
The Rothschilds have called for an end to the travel ban to create a global ebola pandemic to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million using home quarantines and slow kill vaccines. Everything has been pre arranged to kill 7 billion people with home quarantines, slow kill vaccines and a vastly mutating form of Ebola Bundibugyo by the World Health Organization.
Have people in Africa been vaccinated before they died of Ebola?
There is a doctor and a nurse that both claimed people where injected with Ebola obviously with the goal to create a global pandemic. A list must be made with names of Ebola victims that died after vaccination and what vaccine they received. Since the WHO and CDC may be involved in creating this pandemic I would not trust their data and make a list yourself.
PHYSICAL INACTIVATION: Ebola are moderately thermolabile and can be inactivated by heating for 30 minutes to 60 minutes at 60°C, boiling for 5 minutes, or gamma irradiation (1.2 x106 rads to 1.27 x106 rads) combined with 1% glutaraldehyde Footnote 10 Footnote 48 Footnote 50. Ebolavirus has also been determined to be moderately sensitive to UVC radiation Footnote.
Burn it with fire.
SUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISINFECTANTS: Ebolavirus is susceptible to 3% acetic acid, 1% glutaraldehyde, alcohol-based products, and dilutions (1:10-1:100 for =10 minutes) of 5.25% household bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and calcium hypochlorite (bleach powder) Footnote 48 Footnote 49 Footnote 50 Footnote 62 Footnote 63. The WHO recommendations for cleaning up spills of blood or body fluids suggest flooding the area with a 1:10 dilutions of 5.25% household bleach for 10 minutes for surfaces that can tolerate stronger bleach solutions (e.g., cement, metal) Footnote 62. For surfaces that may corrode or discolour, they recommend careful cleaning to remove visible stains followed by contact with a 1:100 dilution of 5.25% household bleach for more than 10 minutes.
Infected patients should disinfect their poop with bleach before flushing to prevent the Ebola from ending up in the sewers. If you know a better method please contact me by email or on skype: prologic999
SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: Filoviruses have been reported capable to survive for weeks in blood and can also survive on contaminated surfaces, particularly at low temperatures (4°C) Footnote 52 Footnote 61. One study could not recover any Ebolavirus from experimentally contaminated surfaces (plastic, metal or glass) at room temperature.
INFECTIOUS DOSE: Viral hemorrhagic fevers have an infectious dose of 1 - 10 organisms by aerosol in non-human primates
All information available on stability and viability comes from peer-reviewed literature sources depicting experimental findings and is intended to support local risk assessments in a laboratory setting.
DRUG SUSCEPTIBILITY: Unknown. Although clinical trials have been completed, no vaccine has been approved for treatment of ebolavirus. Similarly, no post-exposure measures have been reported as effective in treating ebolavirus infection in humans although several studies have been completed in animals to determine the efficacy of various treatments.
DRUG RESISTANCE: There are no known antiviral treatments available for human infections, only colloidal silver is effective according to the D O D's Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
Public Health Agency of Canada publichealth.gc.ca
B F S A shamed.
Tensions between Russia and NATO flared last week when General Yury Yakubov, a senior Defense Ministry official, said that part of Russia’srevision to its military doctrine would include treating the United States and its NATO allies as an enemy threat against which preemptive nuclear strikes could be launched.
Last week NATO also approved a “rapid response force” of 3,500 troops that would be situated at bases in Poland, Romania, and the Baltic states in a move that was widely seen as a further aggressive escalation aimed at Moscow.
grego wrote on infowars • 5 hours ago
Let's just kill off the Rothchilds ASAP... .Peace on Earth.
Why was this comment not censored?
Open borders so open mind?
Have the Rothschilds planned a global Ebola pandemic, home quarantines and mandatory slow kill vaccination to depopulate to 500 million?
B F S A it.
I hope he Scotland.
10-9-2014 2,327 ebola deaths spread over 5 countries.
Ebola is our common enemy.
Close the borders of infected countries immediately to rule out a global pandemic which they are creating deliberately in violation of the Democide Convention (D C).
*The United Nations Information Center does not have the names of the parties that agreed to Agenda 21--hard to believe. The U N spokesperson doesn't even seem to know that Agenda 21 is not a treaty, but is an agreement. Further information obtained from the U N indicated that no one actually 'signed' it, and the agreement was made via consensus.
Agenda 21 lost. Sorry.
That the Rothschilds keep the borders of infected countries open does not mean that we can not close ours to people from infected countries.
As long as B S L 4 protocols can be implemented there is no use to refuse people from infected countries yet, they argue. I argue, yes fomites. Ebola is airborne. Close your border or die.
Trust no one, nothing is what it seems.
To make the illusion that airborne ebola is not airborne they try to blame it on fomites to create a global pandemic to deepopulate the earth in violation of the Genocide Convention okay?
Goo luck. Water gay E T. Ebolie.
You tube channel: youtube.com/user/ulrich b c hoffmann (with double F and double N).
Google wix ebolag (W I X + ebola with the letter G attached to it) wix ebolag.
The Freeman of information act.
Youtube video (see my video page on this blog):
Close our borders to infected countries - Planned global pandemic imminent - important must see
Skype Me: prologic999
Please like my video and help to prevent a global pandemic by spreading the data on http://ulrich b c hoffmann.wix.com/ebolag like healing antibodies that are not genetically modified to prevent being killed in a global pandemic yourself.
Search ulrich b c hoffmann on you tube to find my channel.
Why not Sierra lay one.
Jesuits history forgery.
Ero gen us zone. What can you do porn me.
Off. The order.
They can not test what effect their vaccines will have in ten years from now before injecting it in you. They are rushed through (see dizzy).
Since their goal is to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million it is extremely likely slow kill ingredients like Mercury (renamed Thiomersal for this purpose) and or genetically modified ebola strains with an incubation period and or a nano death chippy which causes heart attacks and brain bleedings will be in the slow kill vaccines.
Since the virus is only 55% effective at killing infected people they will need open borders to spread the global pandemic, home quarantines, the B F S A, kill switch and military to kill 80 to 90% of the worlds global population.
If they have no tesla plasma shield to protect their brain waves they can not know anything either.
Nothing is what it seems, trust no one.
Brain mapped. They might fall for dead. I'm dead as well. Lol he he. They might hear it in it. Head deep.
Chineesing. The lack high's ya.
China has an Ebola drug which has completed both pre-clinical testing and clinical safety evaluation just like Japan.
How bizarre! The USA which has spent more than 60 billion dollars on bioweapons research since 2001 seems to be one of the few countries along with the UK which doesn’t have a clinically tested Ebola drug. What have they been spending all that money on?
If the USA and UK haven’t been able to find a safe and clinically tested Ebola drug by now when China and Japan have both managed it, why should we have any confidence in their untested Ebola jabs?
11-9-2014 9:25
The perpetrators have been attacking me with directed energy causing the ringing in the head to lower my immune system and are making my brain stem and spine disappear. The are slow killing me and make me feel extremely tired and moan all day to prevent me from reporting and studying to create a global ebola pandemic and deepopulate the earth with home quarantines and slow kill vaccines.
"JK-05 is a micro-molecular chemical, and its pharmacological mechanism is to selectively contain the RNA polymerase of the Ebola virus so as to inhibit virus replication." said Prof. Wang Hongquan, China Academy of Military Medical Sciences.
The R N A of the mutated virus can not be the same as the R N A in the vaccine can it? Therefore the vaccine cannot be safe!
Millions of people world wide may have contracted the ebola virus already if the borders are open. Incubation period 21 days, often misdiagnosed as malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, and ricketssial diseases.
Safe food challenge. Lol.
In war all are lucky.
Universal peace. Now!
EBO label. B F S A woll.
E bo, lo! Poo they tadah.
We have to count the people that have died despite receiving a vaccine and register the names of the ineffective vaccines. A doctor and nurse have testified people in Africa where injected with Ebola to start a pandemic. See list of pandemics caused by vaccines on universal peace.edublogs.org
Doctor ruck suck hah.
The area of research which investigates the relationship between genomes and the "behavior" of a virus in the field is called reverse genetics, and it's in its infancy
High-throughput, luciferase-based reverse genetics systems ...
We have to make: its viral.
Google the words wix (w I x) and ebola (the word ebola with a letter G attached to it).
Wix ebo lag.
Or visit my channel on you tube: youtube.com/user/ulrich b c hoffmann, hoffmann with double F and double N. youtube.com/user/ulrich b c hoffmann
Or skype me: prologic999 prologic nine hundred ninetee nine.
Ad die now virus.
I'd like to get it after I'm vaccinated.
I hope its in it so it dies. Yes we can.
Ukraine one. Jump 2 conclusions.
Roll up round up.
I hope they all die for the new world order and that we both stay alive. Lol. And then we're teleported to an uninhibited island where we make love. Lol. I want to stay home in reality so its a no go for me.
Worldwide, 2.3 million [1.9 million to 2.7 million] people became newly infected with HIV in 2012,
Worldwide, 260,000 [230,000 to 320,000] children became newly infected with HIV in 2012,
Aids is a global pandemic, Ebola is no where near these numbers yet (10 09 2014)
u n aids.org
DId you know that flu vaccinated people test positive for H I V?
Yes, New England Journal of Medicine. Its to make a fortune of super expensive faulty AIDS medicine.
Project Teardrop, the global illegal population reduction in violation of the Genocide Convention.
The aids plan demmink. Aids was designed at Fort Detrick spelled with a D from Dork.
Eugenics / Population Control as Dominant Ideologies
Population Control Implementation (Hard Kill)
Population Control Implementation (Slow Kill)
The globalist agenda
Who Are They? Jesuits.
Elite Belief System: one world religion to make their slaves turn the other cheeck when they are tortured to death after deepopulation to 500 million
Their Goals: population reduction and total enslavement with synthetic telepathy.com a torture world order or global paedo controlled government.
Strategy: active measures also called ideological subversion, phase 4 is normalization is when the tanks roll in and it may last indefinately.
Key Tactics: divide to defeat, problem reaction solution, slow kill soft kill.
Methods of Control: torture, monopoly on violence, brain control with synthetic telepathy.
The End Game: The end is not a game. Take over over.
Purpose Made Humans
As their knowledge of genetic engineering advances, the intent is to create a slave class of purpose made humans to serve the elite. As part of the new society they seek to create, the elite seek to control reproduction in a scientific manner. Ultimately, they seek to control/restrict reproduction scientifically and create hermaphroditic slaves/beings who will be granted permission to reproduce and only be given that permission if they have proven their worth to the state.
As the elite's seek immortality, they foresee a possible future in which they merge with machines and the resulting "species" livs immortal lifes and replaces all humans as we know them today.
O lay.
SCANDAL: 69% of Ebola cases in Liberia not confirmed by lab tests
Its probably Malaria so we have to inject you now.
I mean Ebola.
Pentagon denies US military can cope with Ebola in spite of vast Ebola bioweapons programme
September 10, 2014
The Pentagon field hospital to be set up in Liberia is intended to provide health care for foreign workers and not Liberians, a US official said.
Officials are ignoring the fact that US military has funded extensive bioweapons research on Ebola and US bioweapons scientists were active in the region at the centre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Air France pilots and cabin crew demand right to opt out of flights to Ebola hit countries
September 10, 2014
I dont no opinion. Brain scanned.
Nigerian aviation authorities have said there is no evidence a US air marshal was injected with a syringe at Lagos airport as the FBI claimed.
A review of CCTV footage indicated no such attack occurred.
A global new world order. Slow kill vaccine. Pandemic.
No O minion.
Luciferase-based reverse genetics systems. Okay lol
Add: I no virus.
7 digits, 7 genes, who kills.
America, America, Gods shit heads grace are me.
America, America, keep the children beam.
Soul system.
Luciferase, rat race, whatever.
The rush calls slow kill ebola vaccine junkies.
DNA sequencing
Pyrosequencing uses luciferase to generate light for detection of the individual nucleotides added to the nascent DNA, and the combined data are used to generate sequence read-outs.[32] This technology provides intermediate read length and price per base compared to Sanger sequencing on one end and Solexa and SOLiD on the other.[33]
Illumina (Solexa) sequencing
A parallelized version of pyrosequencing was developed by 454 Life Sciences, which has since been acquired by Roche Diagnostics. The method amplifies DNA inside water droplets in an oil solution (emulsion PCR), with each droplet containing a single DNA template attached to a single primer-coated bead that then forms a clonal colony. The sequencing machine contains many picoliter-volume wells each containing a single bead and sequencing enzymes.
Lucis Trust, formerly Lucifer Trust, is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material.
Also see: Freemasonry Proven To Worship Lucifer Satan.