Hell high.
We are all puppets brain controlled with synthetic telepathy.
Everyone without a Tesla plasma shield.
So always compare to the opposite next idea.
The people controlling us, the N S A (Satanists, Luciferians, Freemasons, Jesuit controlled), have planned to kill 93% of us.
They have the death ray and control the supreme court so most of us are going to die.
Ebola is still spreading fast and the end of their planned ebola lassa tekmira chimera pandemic is not in sight.
Go to a safe country get storable food (peanut butter, rice) and colloidal silver, take vitamin C best source Kiwi.
Get an air cleaner with an ionizer.
Get or make your own cloudbuster.
Use a moibius coil to create your own scalar waves.
Get a water filter and alkalize your water.
Get a gasmask.
Get a radiological water filter.
Maybe store air and water info how to do it is on line.
So I can see you're just not another part of me.
W aging ho.
Loyolaland. Kid these man now.
The esculapis is basically a mobius coil.
In 1938. the British-American radio and television cartel was funded and administered by the Rockefeller Foundation, also funding Jewish hate and administering Nazi eugenics.
The Navy sought to maintain a Rockefeller-administered military-government monopoly over the radio industry featuring advances in wireless radio.
This wartime command over radio never ended, as some believe, due to the specious congressional indecision the Rockefeller leadership forced regarding the maintenance of the supposed governmental control over radio in 1918.
Research and developments in musical weaponry, tuning with dissonant frequencies, yielding the latest and greatest war making technology for broadcasting “mass hysteria,” was finally instituted in 1939--speciously adopted, thusly, according to Cavanagh:
The main way the Jesuit infant eaters are trying to drag us unto a Luciferian time line in which we all die is by sabotaging the things we do. Dragging us unto a new time line by letting something we did in the other time line go wrong thus creating a new, Luciferian, time line.
Psychic suppression, thought suppression and sexual suppression are global.
The US Navy’s Musical Manipulations
Besides the U.S. Navy’s administrative control over the National Public Health Service in America, this branch of the military has always been at the forefront of war research, including biological weaponry, virology, genetics. electro-genetics, DNA recombinomics, technical developments in electronics, communications, and signaling, and military intelligence bearing on the subject of frequencies required for producing “mass hysteria.”
What few people realize, regardless of the type of music played in the Western World, the standard Anglo-American tuning for instruments and voices was instituted at the same time, by the same agents and agencies, advancing acoustic war studies for inducing “mass hysteria.”
Between World Wars 1 and II, accelerating during the 1930s, scientific studies in musical frequencies best suited for war-making were funded by the Rothschild-Rockefeller alliance, represented by the Rockefeller Foundation and U.S. Navy.
A major objective of this war, and profitable population control, research was to determine the musical factors capable of producing psychopathology, emotional distress, and “mass hysteria.”
Thus, the Empire Stadium riot pleasing to “Parker” was most likely a successful US military-RCA experiment to induce “mass hysteria,” especially since RCA, according to Tobias, was a major participant in the Rockefeller Foundation-funded research to musically produce this precise audience impact.
Success was achieved at a 1939 international conference held in London. Presumably as a compromise between current tendencies and earlier pitch standards, it was agreed that the international standard for concert pitch would thenceforth be based upon A=440 Hz — very close to the Royal Philharmonic’s A=439 Hz of dubious derivation. The B.B.C. began to broadcast the A=440 Hz tuning note, which, for the sake of accuracy was produced electronically.
M U. Sick.
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS
Exposed! Chechen President: ISIS Leader is a CIA Agent ...
Regan said on October 3, 2014
False Jew Satanists are the Zionists.
The Zionists control Israel.
Israel controls the US Government.
The False Jews control the Jesuit Order who control the Illuminati.
The Illuminati control the Freemasons and all other secret Societies.
Through the Secret societies, they also control all the major Intelligence Agencies.
It goes on and on.
Do you get the picture yet?
George Soros weds for third time in star-studded ceremony ...
1urbanjedi fiatdollars • 2 days ago
ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
If we are to believe what we read on line:
Jews are lying trolls that want to exterminate all non jews. And pretend they are chosen of themselves. Jesuit popes are infant eaters. Muslims have sworn to kill all non muslims about which they may lie according to their faith which is called tah key ya. The paedo psycho muslims want war, not peace, they hope for a Jihad.
All believers are insane, they are psychotic and they are a danger to themselves and others.
The differentiation between the supposedly satanic Zionists and orthodox jews is made by many.
Moses • 3 days ago
If history is any indicator of what will happen, another religion/terrorist organization will have another Jewish Leader soon. Add her to the list.
Head of ISIS: Elliot Shimon(Ashkenazi Jew)
Al Qaeda leader: Adam Gadahn(Ashkenazi Jew)
Nazi Collaborator: George Soros(Ashkenazi Jew) Committee 300
Father of Marxism and Communism: Karl Marx aka Moses Levy Mordecai (Ashkenazi Jew)
Founder of Wahhabism: Muhammad abd al-Wahhab (Crypto Jew)
Father of Islam: Mohammed (Jew)
The nations that live now are not the same nations described in the Bible and Quran.
None of the people of these nations described in the Bible and Quran are alive today.
So these nations consist of a totally new group of people.
Most people comply with local laws to prevent nasty jail time.
Hot. Or not.
Night time hotter. D night.
The can. Plan.
Puke Haarp. Powered. Her D.
Stop. Pots backwards. I disco vert it.
What deff rock. Hard core no.
adam and eve where not the first humans
Pre-Adamite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was the world populated through incest or did God create Adam and Eve?
Elliot Shimon. Press.
George Soros. Z. Of Zorro.
Who is who 2. To lay did it.
US designates 35 hospitals as Ebola treatment centers
Reuters- 03 12 2014 Nosocomially.
Obama says Ebola fight not over, requests $6bn to combat virus
RT-5 hours agoShare
Obama urges Congress to approve $6 billion for Ebola flight
Ruters-14 hours ago
6 6 6 billion dollars. For colloidal silver I suppose.
The ethics of flight thing ebola.
Learning form past epidemics.
Science sign. A teen level.
U K if man.
Phishing = not finishing. The internet is the sewer system of our minds. Lol.
In the name of the N W O: hack the trolls.,
Ebola: 7 genomes of pure sticky end R N A, ebola lassa chimera, nosocomial anti body dependent virus.
All brain waves are computer controlled.
Nosocomially: spread in and through hospitals.
Okay doctor Giggles.
Supreme Amber court deep. Militerror.
Yes we came. Terror teardrop weight.
Yacky tacky ah law.
Evil on into project Avalon. I fall off. I've a low.
None without a Tesla Plasma shield which takes a lot of energy to generate would survive a third world war so an attack on Iran must be prevented by any means necessary. 12 scalar weapon countries have made nuclear weapons obsolete.
To create: Universal. Peace.
N S A spinning on all americans.
This is how an angel crimes
I blame it on my own sur prize.
Maybe I should cry fuck help.
Or maybe I should eat more kelp baby.
La boom they ball shit.
Sherlock Holmes Up.
There will be an air war, let it be he.
Or: there will be an error, let it be he.
And I don't know the rest of the lyrics.
Let it bleep, let it blee heep. Let it beam, let it beam
Spain. Is sinking in cocaine. Oompf oompf oompf.
15 owls ago.
Undo the Harlem Shake.
Everyone should believe in the pop sircle.
I'll show you sauce.
Bio Organic Eco. Or B O. Buy yo in Dutch. If you see a rat give a rat alert.
He he Ashkenazicked me.
End program. Program program.
An acray meant. The power. Of the flower.
Pussy willy cock fuck vagina suck dick cunt truck.
They may have self aware strong intelligence.
I am a little peace of you. We are energy.
Sigh fly.
Clear the loon.
Are we winning the fight against Ebola?
Amber a learn.
I ate them now their in my belief.
Jesuits are paedophile cannibals that are gonna kill you all.
You may heat. The pope pope pope paedo.
jesuits are controlled by askhenazic jew
jews control the jesuits | Luis T.
The first Jesuits were crypto-Jews. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the Occult Cabala. A crypto-Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices.
Syria key. Haarp players. If you are a jewish.
C D See?
Do it. For universal peace.
B O. Box opening.
'How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains,however improbable, must be the truth?'
Sherlock Holmes Quote
-The Sign of Four
It is Haarp, it is Dod, not God inducing cancer in people, killing 7 billion people.
Monsanto, slow kill zombifying lobotomizing vaccines and home quarantines despite the knowledge that colloidal silver kills the ebola virus and its mutations.
By means of this section thou shalt doom war.
The thoughts train.
Commet commit. Listen Israel, dont think.
That's why whe're culled the famine leed.
Evil is just a state of mind control.
Centers for disease. Come troll.
A sigh burr add hack.
A sigh bird attack.
Their so fly.
E, bo love. Synthetic their leppers he.
I think nobody is checking whether the ebola virus has sticky end R N A to prove beyond any reasonable doubt this ebola virus was created in a lab.
Auslander Auschwitz. Circle of 9 11.
Idea? O logical subversion. Nazi you genes. Yes sau it.
Could not access midi in. Put in their face.
Centipedes in humans. Several people have written me that they think they have one or more centipedes in their body and they would like a cure.
One person who wrote me an e mail wrote:
Milk magnesium, amino 4400, pineapples. A friend took some n he said he pooped them out dead.
Magnesium hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula of hydrated Mg(OH)2. As a suspension in water, it is often called milk of magnesia because of its milk-like appearance. The solid mineral form of magnesium hydroxide is known as brucite.
Magnesium hydroxide is a common component of antacids and laxatives; it interferes with the absorption of folic acid and iron.
It is primarily used to alleviate constipation, but also to relieve indigestion and heartburn.
Amino 4400, B C A Ace. A branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) is an amino acid having aliphatic side-chains with a branch (a carbon atom bound to more than two other carbon atoms). Among the proteinogenic amino acids, there are three BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine and valine. (wiki)
Leucine Isoleucine Valine
The BCAAs are among the nine essential amino acids for humans, accounting for 35% of the essential amino acids in muscle proteins and 40% of the preformed amino acids required by mammals
So its magnesium hydroxide, B C A A's and pineapple.
Other things you could try to expel centipedes from your body:
Pyrethrum made of chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
Diatomacious earth food grade
One person has a you tube video in which it is claimed the person pooped out a centipede after taking Iboga, a legal drug that is deadly in large amounts
Colloidal silver
Pumpkin seed
Wormwood (also in Versinthe)
Quinine also in tonic
Kurkumine, garlic, cloves to kill their eggs
An insect repeller that mimics the sounds of insects specifically for centipede control
Rife frequencies
Fly trap sticky tape that you can put under your bed
Borax powder
Camphor eucaliptus oil etherical
They lay their spermatophores in webs they create. Centipedes always travel in pairs. Never sleep in a house where you saw a centipede. House centipedes may not enter the human body, Lithobius Forficatus do. Possibly a genetically altered species. There are other types of centipedes that enter the human body at night through the noses and mouths of people which is mislabelled pseudoparasitism of myriapods in man which is why so few people know about this.
Obama and all freemasons are witches, Luciferians and they are going to kill 7 billion people and they have tortured millions of people to death with their faul cancer inducing Haarp.
Vatican sir. Yes we vatican.
We must make baby's for the new world order I think we would all like to see.
I hope Hitler is still alive but I doubt it. I think the Jesuit infant eaters killed him in their second world war. Your hippy army known. Blo-ho.
The pedo paedo joke. Because they didn't pay its okay. Good want.
The sign of deff horse. May the force beet with you. Use the force nuke.
Conplan 88 88 must burn.
New Order (Nazism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nazi eugenics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Active measures A K A ideological subversion phase 4 is normalization is when the tanks roll in.
New order nazism, not the banned.
Real ice is.
Rec record. Bilderberg nose.
The elders are useless eaters.
Yeah it.
Band silver aid. Sticky end R N A. The virus interlocks with other viruses okay?
Good freeware: Glary Utilities, Super anti spyware, virtual D J,
The beast computers can torture everyone simultaneously. Its total terror 24 7.
Pop sick hole.
Pain = love.
Useless blood drinkers.
Haarp is just another weapon of self destruction.
They are protecting it against E M P in stead of the people against the nukes and scalar weapons.
Disaster who hoars: hurricane Katrina (108 billion) versus Sandy (68 billion).
We're 1 2 I'm alright. The people who do it are the ones who know.
The bitch ho.
Time haarp.
By the Who I mean.
The end. W O.
Directed energy tyranny.
And warp. To detox a vacation. Not you win but U N.
Fuck tyranny fuck torturers up if they are still torturing and sterelizing innocent girls.
To depopulate the earth in violation of the Genocide Convention.
Preemptive doctrine is in violation of the Prevention of Nuclear war agreement.
Kill the trolls before they torture another one of us to death. Before they kill 7 billion of us with home quarantines.
Our goodness and love keeps us all alive. Our hate and evilness as well. Sometimes.
Hopefully long enough to find a permanent cure against aging.
Our emotions do not control our behavior. Logic does. There is always a choice we're making. Or not.
Legal. Ice.
hangemhigh77 Travis Fleenor • 15 minutes ago
Exactly. This is TYRANNY, when the people who create and enforce the laws are they themselves exempt from them. And as such their laws are illegitimate and we must revolt. And another indication of a tyrannical government is when you have multitudes of laws and ticky tack laws like a broken windshield on your car is a $500 dollar fine. We live in a tyrannical system where cops are the agents of a corrupt state.
Tax x e m p teed.
Extra. Virgin. Coco. Nut. Oil.
Or any government officials, for that matter
Why film them when you can kill them?
Nobody is allowed to film it any way.
Only the ones that did illegal things like murdering innocent civillians otherwise it would not be just ice.
Remember folks, this is the same government that registered US Patent # 6630507 deeming THC as a "neuroprotectant" and "tumor reducer."
Freedom of the press might be the only reason we are all still alive.
SO, if the cancer Tetra psycho cops have nothing to hide why don't they want to be filmed?
To hide you can not press charges of incitement to commit genocide against people that think airborne ebola would be ideal to kill 80 to 90 percent of the worlds global population and believe in the lie that we're overpopulated?
To hide you cannot press charges of cancer cell phone radiation damages?
To hide you cannot press charges of directed energy weapon torture?
And film or record it with a hidden audio recorder and put it on line like I did?
And than an officer arrives at your door and tells you you have to remove the video of you tube?
It is on my channel but is now hidden to anyone but me, I do not want to go to jail.
Someone else may still be able to press charges against these people that are going to kill you otherwise. The real government is still in place and the Jesuits paid more in pedo cases than anyone else though they control the supreme court and the death ray? I doubt if they do.
History does not repeat itself. The Jesuits did it.
Internet is like the blood of a million people dumped on our head from the sky.
Stu • 2 hours ago
It was declared unconstitutional once before, and it will be again. However, let the people of Chicago suffer their choices for political leaders; they are getting what they voted for.
Interfere o meter.
YouTube Pulls Critical Video Exposing Global Warming Professor
by TheAlexJonesChannel2 years ago22,492 views
Truth inside.
Larse sweet aromatic.
Oh. The finger. Wrong one.
It can't do it.
Romantic. Tock.
Hot. G hot. We're Dod guilty.
On o no.
The infant eating Jesuit terrorists are attempting to control us with synthetic telepathy and torture.
They want to exterminate 7 billion people and create a Luciferian New World Order none but Obama (Barry Zoo torro Davis) and a hand full of satanic paedo's and Rockefellers would like to see.
To make you all look psychotic they can let the quantum computer torture you when people make a hand signal (like the satanic peace sign) to make you believe they have special powers.
In reality it is the so called beast computer controlled by the satanists you hear in your brains which speaks any language and is able to simulate any person.
It is a neural network that learns from its mistakes so it is gaining control.
Soon all living things with a brain wave will be totally brain controlled. It is possible that is already the case. The only way to protect your brain and body against their illegal torture attacks is with a Tesla Plasma shield.
Their ebola virus is spreading faster and faster (exponentially) and Irans deadline ends in half a year.
According to the Conplan 88 88 of the Pentagon covered by C N N the plan is to nuke the zombie hords (the rabies patients that will have received the lobotomizing rabies based ebola vaccine at gunpoint by then).
US government grants immunity protection to Ebola vaccine manufacturers
December 10, 2014
They cant control u more any.
Yes we can. Trolled. Yes we scan.
Yes we can torture.
It has to pretend it can not.
On in want. You can hear it in it.
Jihad is not G hot. Dont cock the rubicon.
Separately Gavi, the global vaccines alliance, has committed up to $300m (£192m) to buy Ebola vaccines and is ready to begin procurement as soon as the WHO recommends one for use, the alliance said on Thursday. The guard the on.
Use colloidal silver and vitamin see and maintain bio security level 4 procedures legally required by law for possible patients entering our country from infected countries and areas.
Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938 - TIME
TIME named Joseph Stalin Man of the Year in 1939 and 1942
TIME Magazine Cover: Vladimir I. Lenin - Apr. 24, 1964 ...
As upsetting as it is, Time Magazine isn’t likely to change it’s misogynist ways, after all it gave the prize to Richard – Tricky Dicky – Nixon twice, it’s also given it to Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin and two Popes, John XXII and John Paul II, why break with tradition? Or is it time?
Time Magazine named Ebola caregivers as its Person of the Year Wednesday, recognizing a team of doctors, nurses, researchers and volunteers who have battled against the difficult-to-treat disease during its 2014 West African outbreak.
Since it began in 1927, Mahatma Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., The Apollo 8 astronauts, Mikhail Gorbachev and Barack Obama have all claimed the title.
Where there is love there is life.
Mahatma Gandhi
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
Mahatma Gandhi
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.
I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.
Quotation: "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"
“When the people fear the government, that's tyranny; when the government fears the people, that's freedom.”
Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital Edition
Remember to always distrust authority because people have been killed for questioning authority.
Never give up your guns only if there is no other way to survive.
Ideas are bullet proof, C D roms are E M P proof.
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
Because truth defines reality.
Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.
Thomas Jefferson
Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.”
“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”
Bob Marley
11 US Presidents Who Smoked Marijuana
YES president #44 - Barack Obama: The current president wrote about his cocaine and marijuana use as a youth in Hawaii and famously said, “When I was a kid, I inhaled, frequently. That was the point,” when running for president in 2008.
YES #43 - George W. Bush: Dubya was known as a cocaine user in his younger days, but he would never respond to questions about his marijuana use. Later, he told his biographer, Douglas Wead (yes, pronounced like “weed”), “I wouldn’t answer the marijuana questions. You know why? Because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried.”
YES #42 - Bill Clinton: Slick Willie famously said, “When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t inhale and never tried it again,” when asked about his marijuana use. In true Clintonian fashion, he may have been telling the truth. The late Christopher Hitchens, who attended Oxford with Clinton, said Bill had an affinity for pot brownies, so he may not have ever tried “it” (inhaling) ever again.
NO #40 - Ronald Reagan: Given that he died from Alzheimer’s disease, it is a shame the Gipper wasn’t able to embrace the cannabis medicine that could have protected his brain. Not that he would have used it, since Reagan told us, “I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”
NO #37 - Richard Nixon: Tricky Dick is the one who brought us this War on Drugs in the first place. The Nixon Tapes are replete with Nixon’s mix of irrational hatred of marijuana and non-white races and ethnicities, with quotes like, “I want a Goddamn strong statement on marijuana, I mean one that just tears the ass out of them. You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish.”
YES #35 - John F. Kennedy: JFK used marijuana to deal with severe back pain, according to a few written accounts, including “John F. Kennedy: A Biography”, which described this White House scene: “On the evening of July 16, 1962, according to [Washington Post executive] Jim Truitt, Kennedy and Mary Meyer smoked marijuana together. … The president smoked three of the six joints Mary brought to him. At first he felt no effects. Then he closed his eyes and refused a fourth joint. ‘Suppose the Russians did something now,’ he said.”
YES #3 - Thomas Jefferson: In addition to farming hemp, Jefferson was Ambassador to France during the hashish era there. At risk of imprisonment if caught, Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China known for their potency to America. However, as far as our research takes us, he never said or wrote, “Some of my finest hours have been spent sitting on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.”
YES #1 - George Washington: The father of our country kept meticulous diaries, wherein he noted “Sowed hemp at muddy hole by swamp” away from the hemp he grew for fiber. “Began to separate the male from female plants at do [sic --rather too late” and “Pulling up the (male) hemp. Was too late for the blossom hemp by three weeks or a month” indicates he was going for female plants with higher THC content. There is also indication he used hemp preparations to deal with his toothaches.
"Radical" Russ Belville is the host of "The Russ Belville Show."
And we know from his diaries, [4] that George Washington, (America’s first President), not only grew Hemp, but also actively promoted its growth. Probably his most famous quote on the subject, coming from one of his letters to his farm plantation field manager; George Washington to William Pearce (Feb. 24, 1794), in which he is quoted as follows: [5]
“Hemp, grow it everywhere”
With the actual quotation being more like:
“Make the most of the Indian hemp seed, . . . and sow it everywhere!”
Which taken into context (and today’s use of the English Language) will read something like:
“Mr. Pearce, on my farming plantation(s), I want you to make the most of Hemp and plant it everywhere on my farmlands that haven’t been previously reserved for other things.”
We can not know that we can not know anything.
There controlled reaction would be that bull hit.
On their stand. F U N.
U N S S eary evil.
My father is D O D. I'm that high.
Infowar of the world. Because we have just one world on which we can live.
The nah no bots are another invention of the chief paedo elite. Of course they think: smaller is better. Google: T 4 bacteriophage self replicating nanobot.
N W O Terrorist writes: we're overpopulated. O God, please hell us.
Unwinding and grinding.
The kill witch turned it into the kill switch.
Fatality rate by suicide meth od in the U S:
Firearms: about 80%
Hanging/suffication: 70%
Falls jumps: 30%
Poisoning/overdose: 5%
Cutting: about 2%
I think jumping is the best method.
Make sure it is high enough. Splash. Gone.
Meant: tall.
Nusco bio. 100% bio. With biological soy lecithine. Not that junk they eat.
When the government fear the people or the people fear the government that is psycho or: then they are psycho or: then they are all psycho but me. Lol. Ka boom. Timer, haarp. Place the strawberry or whatever exclamation mark carefully. With synthetic telepathy. Lo. Lay. D.
Anonymous wrote this I dont know who it is.
Not the bitch ho: W H O.
Lucifer. Yes we care. Your D voiced.
P no and Ernee did it do it.
Centipedes in your body is called parasitism of myriapods in man, not pseudoparasitism (= delusional parasitosis, the idea that there are centipedes in their body while in reality there are not)
I'm ready for dinner. Burp.
Population control, sustainable development and nazi eugenics = democide.
Damned if we do, damned if we dope.
E M P generator creator on you tube.
Less on more on.
Sorry, this brain wave is not available in your country.
They're raying in stead of reigning.
Sorry moron.
Barack Obama - did he really drop from the sky? He is half black, half white. What is the lineage from the white side? Turns out he's connected to Cheney and Bush. Bush is cousins with Kerry and related to Vlad the Impaler and the Queen of England. None of this is a coincidence.
Incredible control. Time travel. Invisible, possibly invincible.
Beast. Opped.
They are sick. I think they have W H O.
C Dizzy's contwo.
Center for rush control.
Dizzy easing rushing easy.
Why not send robots in stead of people to fight ebola?
Because they can send colloidal silver which is cheaper and more effective.
Thank you computer.
M I Six M I Sis, whatever.
So Adam and Eve's children did it together?
Religion is complete bullshit written by humans. But it can be used. We know the outcome has to be a perfect society in which we all will live happily eternally.
Heaven, hell the bottomless pit resurrection machine and reincarnation machine must be created.
Everything is energy so it must be a possibility.
Is Barack Obama’s Mother-In-Law A Black Witch?
Yes she is! Read it on the Internet, we did! Apparently Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama’s mother, performs Satanic “Afro-Hispanic” witchcraft rituals, in the White House. Barack Obama is piping mad, because how would this affect his IMAGE? Poorly! This story and all of its quotes are true. Jane Mayer of the New Yorker is one helluva reporter and would never make up something this incendiary. Oh… what is that, Intern Riley?… It’s from Townhall, not Jane Mayer of the New Yorker?… THEN IT’S EVEN TRUER.
The Obama White House is abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lives in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president is furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House.
Black Witchcraft
The Foundations of the Luciferian Path
Luciferian Witchcraft : Sarah Anne Lawless
Witches, trolls, whatever. If they are gonna kill us all they're really alright.
Robots may be used to flight Ebola
Soetorro Soros sue zorro.
We've got to save each other and be hero's. Before its to late. Jones town. It was not mass suicide.
Not cool aid, cyanide injections behind the left shoulder blade. C I A did.
fuck haarp
Fuck Obama, fuck Islam, fuck HAARP, fuck BP, fuck illegals, fuck the NWO, fuck oil, fuck money, fuck liberal pansies, fuck bankers, fuck the Federal Reserve, fuck Monsanto, fuck Wall Street, fuck Goldman Sachs, fuck rap music, fuck Lady Gaga, fuck Skull & Bones, fuck the CIA, fuck NASA, fuck Washington D.C., fuck advertising, fuck MTV, fuck mind control, fuck fast food, fuck American Idol, fuck immigration, fuck religion, fuck televisions, fuck electricity, fuck pharmaceutical drugs, fuck the police, fuck capitalism, fuck communism, fuck all the "isms", FUCK THE SYSTEM!
Fuck it all!
god ike productions.com
Its just a move. He.
Fuck the pope but use a condom.
Fuck a permanent cure against aging.
The end just if fights the mean.
He school. Before its 2 lane.
Its their nuke not mine. I know hilp.
Ubuntu on a die wu.
Obama, Kerry and bush descendants of Vlad the Impaler.
Prince Charles, heir to Dracula's blood line
“Transylvania is in my blood,” he jokes in an interview first shown on satelite television last year. “The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler, so I do have a bit of a stake in the country.”
Vladdy I'm player.
forum.prisonplanet.com Google leaving out Vlad the impaler of the search results completely.
John Kerry is 34 generations removed from Vlad the Impaler bush is Kerry's 9th cousin twice removed Obama is Bush's 11th cousin.
There's also royalty in the Bush bloodline. Princess Diana was Mr. Bush's 11th cousin, twice removed.
And then there's this bombshell: Marilyn Monroe, known for wishing John F. Kennedy a happy birthday, is Mr. Bush's ninth cousin, three times removed.
He's also related to Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, Native American princess Pocahontas, and Vlad the Impaler. c b snews.com/news/bushs-famous-family-tree
Power to the peaceful.
Roman Catholic Vlad Tepes: Impaled The Muslim ‘Brotherhood’, Thus Saving His Country From The Ottoman Empire’s Islamic Headcutters.
Posted by Volubrjotr on October 10, 2010
The Most Honorable Person In Romanian History
Vlad Dracula is credited with impaling 100,000 Ottoman Headcutters aka; Muslims and probably more.
Vlad DRACULA vs Ottoman Empire – The Forest of The Impaled
Founding Fathers First War Was Defending America From The Muslim ‘Brotherhood’ ~ Ottoman Empire: Treaty Of Tripoli.
In 1462 when the invading Muslim Sultan Mehmed II reached Tirgoviste, he saw a terrifying scene, remembered in history as “the Forest of the Impaled”, there, outside the city, were 20,000 Muslim prisoners, all impaled.
Evil Seed: Bush and Kerry are Related to Dracula (Vlad the Impaler)
Geo disappearing. Geo. engine. hearing.
Healing disorder.
Google wix ebolag, w i x ebola with the letter G attached, wix ebolag
Yes we scan.
Peace to all real anonymouses out there. Expose the Jesuit infant eaters and expose their planned population reduction to 500 million before they kill everyone including you by tricking you with synthetic telepathy.com They can not trick us because we know: exposed and thus prevented.
C I A: catholic infant attackers. Hackers.
They are afraid of the torturers, not the government.
Anonymous Jesuits.
They want to pretend all americans are suspected terrorists, even enemy combatants during emergencies according to the B F S A and quote nuke the zombie hordes unquote according to the Pentagons conplan8888 of C N N.
Thats why the ebola vaccine has to be rabies based to turn people into zombies and because rabies has a kill rate of about 100% once injected. The companies who's vaccines are to be injected at gunpoint have been made illegally immune.
That their new ebola virus has sticky end R N A proves beyond any reasonable doubt it was created in a lab. Catch and if necessary kill these insane loonies that want to kill 93% of the worlds global population, Rockefeller and other Jesuit infant eating paedo controlled people before they get the chance to kill us all.
Then I want Iran deadline. They did it with Haarp, without Haarp it would have been impossible. The W T C fly by wire planes where remotely controlled with wireless energy.
Why N I'm me changed into an army.
Kill switches.
Pope Francis, Reace
fuck up the paedo elite only the ones that ate tortured and killed children
Global Elite Paedophile Network Set Up the False Memory Syndrome Foundation
by AlanWattParrot
2 years ago974 views
I was raped by my daddy, no girl you have a very bad false memory.
Its okay.
We must have sex law. Its in the Bibles.
ebola lassa tekmira chimera virus, sticky and R N A, anti body dependent killer virus will save you all. To get that filth footage.
D P P though.
Director of Public Prosecutions though dod dod dod.
You're in denial. I okay it.
Pie paedo information exchanged.
The O D hands.
False memory send drones.
Take colloidal silver and get storable food. Spread colloidal silver flyers to prevent being injected with slow kill lobotomizing zombifying vaccines at gunpoint and being nuked (see conplan8888 of the Pentagon quote: to nuke the zombie hordes). The ebola quote vaccine unquote is rabies based because rabies has a kill rate of about 100% once injected. The Ebola Lassa Tekmira Chimera Virus with sticky end R N A interlocks with other viruses and is the most virulent released strain. It is airborne. The mainstream media are used to spread the lies that its not airborne and that colloidal silver is snake oil. The Rockefellers have moregallons.
Must see C.
Sticking end R N A.
Symbol Ice is.
Ebola strange. Ebola trains. Doog doog doog.
Trust no one = divide to defeat
Nothing is what it seems = problem reaction solution
Paedo gay E T now. The beard. The new torture world order is already their. Because we are all new world order I know it exists and its global. We're harvesting.
The sticky goo vaccine needle. And gunpoint.
O hot. We are all the semen. I started out as a fucking fish.
Make the W H O C D C?
The blow of geist then.
Storm in the U S A hey. Storm in the U S A hay hay. War, war, what if its good? Form.
Hey little daddy is your mummy home? Or did the goat leave you all all a lone. All ride. I water bed desired. Ho ho ho I am fired. The Jesuits are a turd on memory lane. With funghi. And there are many. The balls of the aliens where found.
Haarp fraud. Haarp hoax. Haarp scam. Natural gas controlled.
Ooh my GoO. Do do goo. Who goo food do mad the sin man.
They want to know who did it. Or not.
Who = goo.
How opt.
I can not see eugenics. I'll get you on. I'm your worst night Merck.
E, legal drugs. Still we are you mit. M I T. No I'm no T. I'm me award whatever will be will not be.
Power word off a ring. Watch the with Haarp change.
Think outside the box Opening. B O.
B. Sint Maria and the whites house.
This is not my brain wave, its yours if your N S A.
Only in the brain.
Level: sex pandemic.
I bet they erase that van Allen belt idea. Guilloteeners. Guilloteens o ray. F Fema.
Bail lynch your way.
Gen x. The Gorilla court mine.
I go to cellphone. Goat to cellphone. Probally know won we'll hear diss wreck or ding.
They're runny. Camtrola.
Aspirin my ass.
The soldier was infected while working as a peacekeeper battling the deadly disease in Liberia.
Impossible. Lol.
1918 whatever
3 2 2, 3 2 1, 9 11, 9 10 11.
G hot.
Get on, E.
Bona AmberSeal is a non-yellowing, poly-tone waterborne sanding sealer that provides an oil-based look to hardwood floors.
An AMBER Alert or a Child Abduction Emergency (SAME code: CAE) is a child abduction alert system. It originated in the United States in 1996.
Remember a learned.
If its almighty it does not need us to die to be able to judge us and it could create a perfect society in which we all would live happily eternally instantly. I'm allready knowing.
W in hebrew is the letter wav, the sixth letter. So w w w = 6 6 6.
Gu (simplified Chinese: ?; traditional Chinese: ?; pinyin: gu; Wade–Giles: ku) or jincan (simplified Chinese: ??; traditional Chinese: ??; pinyin: jincán; Wade–Giles: chin-ts'an; lit. "gold silkworm") was a venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue.
The traditional preparation of gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures (e.g., centipede, snake, scorpion) inside a closed container, where they devoured one another and allegedly concentrated their toxins into a single survivor. Gu was used in black magic practices such as manipulating sexual partners, creating malignant diseases, and causing death. According to Chinese folklore, a gu spirit could transform into various animals, typically a worm, caterpillar, snake, frog, dog, or pig.
The cull hack tore.
British Dictionary definitions for cull Expand
/k?l f/
verb (transitive)
1. to choose or gather the best or required examples
2. to take out (an animal, esp an inferior one) from a herd
3. to reduce the size of (a herd or flock) by killing a proportion of its members
Goo, cull. Tax exempt.
Our key type.
Chemtrails - Culling the Useless Eater Population
Culling The Human Population To 1 Billion Or Less For ...
I Support Human Culling & Depopulation | Facebook
We never went: oo, the moon.
So its just my predictive programming I guess. Its not desensitisation. Fuck. every nation.
V may: Yo. Clinick. Lawns. There are lawns.
So sodom is so smart. Sex Sex hack.
culling facebook
I Support Human Culling & Depopulation on face. Book.
Russian President Vladamir Putin Says to Exterminate Islamic Radicals Like Cockroaches
While a politically correct America, arguably the “soft underbelly of Western Culture” continues to say that Islam is a “religion of peace” badass Russian President Vladamir Putin spells it out in saying, “…I would love to gas the Chechens owl 1.2 million of them. They are like cockroaches, murderous Muslim cockroaches, and if the Chechens had done to Americans what they have done to Russians, maybe the US public would want to join with us. Oh wait, they have: The Boston Bombers, those Tsarnaev brothers, were Chechens. You took them in–against our advice. You put them on welfare for a decade, ignored our intelligence warnings, and then they terror-bomb you. The Chechens deserve to be fumigated. As an aside, what’s wrong with your media? They seem like “useful idiots”–to borrow Lenin’s phrase–for the terrorists. That Rolling Stone cover? Really? That would never happen in Russia.”
. When Maltese controlled Vladimir Putin comes out with terms like "The Court That Makes The King," this is who he's refering to. -CRAIG OXLEY
I Support Human Culling & Depopulation shared their photo.
August 20 ·
Join us and die
Me doing a victim. The cause is Haarp in reality. Yeah.
Chubby bunny, challenged. Harvest tit.
It had it again I bet. Tracking the bunghole.
Even the frog splits. The nude I'd junes.
We apollo dies for the deal, ate is evening.
They can reprogram our brain like the hard disk of a computer, we are all brain mapped, everybody has their own program.
So they will be able to reprogram our whole brain so we can become another person, have all the memories and all skills of that person or partially if they do not have that ability already.
Synthetic telepathy.com.
I do not accept most ideas I get as my own ideas.
/apply h:\sources\install.wim 1 v:\
imagex.exe /apply H:\sources\install.wim 1 R:\
Q:\FileHistory\Anonymous\Q\Data\C\Users\Public\Music\Midifiles\Bach kunstderfuge com
22-12-14 00:17:05 Ambulance Utrecht A1 Oosterlandweg X 3641PW X Mijdrecht
The file has been real, moved.
D popu u ate.
I ripped, doubt my braces.
Who = goo
C D C = crisis disaster creators
I can see clearly now because I smoked it.
G, M O got them.
We want anonymous.
Pay though pay naughty, may kleuren eck ben hot T.
Anonymous wishes you all awesome holidays and an even better new year.
I wish everyone that did not torture me an eternal new year, a year in which we find a permanent cure against aging and thus become eternal.
Slissing Jersey. The all seeing light.
We're all knowing. Weer hah ben s nicht gewoo.
I cant new. Freemasons round up.
Explode and thus preventive.
You'd jerk off their head if you new.
We have to pay for their sins.
Really know your sweet thing.
They can not know because they're brain controlled okay?
The psychobama troll will kill you all for his Jesuit infant eating masters.
On, Illusion, o I'm me. Sex s.
I think they did it on perps.
So that's the idea they sended.
Check mate. Check bitch. Whatever. Hack mate. Hack bits. Clever.
For all you hippies: do nothing rushed through.
So bar, yeabarmot 25b
From all people that are not hippies, it is okay (to drink their blood) but from all among us who are it is not.
Yes you weeds.
Things get always get worse.
Fleur the lee, fleur the lit.
Welcome on the Universal Peace time line.
You made it. keep it steady.
Practice makes per.
Un knowing. Radarpa. Poke a local. Rabies zombies I dont care.
Liberteasing. Ebola winning. N a have weed nude year.
C D Seas. I get it.
You gotta give them what they wanna. Ebola.
What Ebola has. Taught us
Chicago Tribune-27 12 2014 Shares
World Health Organization officials said Tuesday that the deadly Ebola virus could lead to 5,000 to 10,000 new cases a week in West Africa by ...
My ebola winning. Got I give it up.
We are all for a nude world order. And you're not. Go figure.
Opposites: dont attracks them.
Ann aah happier year. Champagne campaign.Reece on if me.
Close: bud cigar.
If they are able to suppress all thought people have no free will because brain control with synhthetic telepathy is real.
What shoot. I do. Pabo law.
A Ford a bold.
2 My knees. Mony.
Error code 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)
Nazi eugenics Israel.
What Ebola has taught us
Chicago Tribune-Dec 26, 2014Share
World Health Organization officials said Tuesday that the deadly Ebola virus could lead to 5,000 to 10,000 new cases a week in West Africa by ...
Ebola death toll rises to 7588 globally, WHO says
CBC.ca-Dec 26, 2014
Ebola crisis likely to last a year, says expert
BBC News-Dec 25, 2014
Ebola Rages on in Sierra Leone With Over 1000 New Cases
TIME-Dec 10, 2014
In the last 21 days, Sierra Leone has reported 1,319 new cases of Ebola virus infections, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports.
KU, WHO researchers partner to develop case studies to better ...
News-Medical.net-Dec 11, 2014
With synthetic telepathy, brain control, the paedo Jesuits and Rockefellers are able to fuck up everything we do: let us make type errors, ruin music we play, let us misplace things etcetera.
The beast computer is able to control muscle movement and is able to let us drop items so they roll away and are unfindable.
By controlling muscle movement it can let people make care accidents, let surgeons kill a patient and let people push a wrong button. Also a persons balance can be disturbed to the point the person faints and falls of the stairs. The quantum computer is very good at hiding things by controlling our brain wave, our E E G. It is able to let us do something and distract us when we put an item somewhere and it can let people place items in a way that they can not be found back. For example by letting people place the item of a certain color on a floor or table that has the same color.
The UN spokesperson doesn't even seem to know that Agenda 21 is not a treaty, but is an agreement. Further information obtained from the UN indicated that no one actually 'signed' it, and the agreement was made via consensus.
So Agenda 21 is an agreement, not even a treaty. We can all wonder about the legal validity of
such a document.
pov omg milf abbreviations meaning?
POV - Point Of View
OMG - Oh My Gosh -or- Oh My God -or- Oh My Goodness (for the older crowd)
NWO - No Way Out
MILF an attractive older woman. Acronym for "mom I'd like to fuck" or "mother I'd like to fuck". Popularized by the movie American Pie.
by Jason A
4 months ago1,233,448 views B F S A
How Would A Global Pandemic Really Happen?
by Journeyman Pictures
2 months ago55,857 views Sticky end D N A
EBOLA PANDEMIC - An Extraordinary Crisis to Bring in the New World Order
by Elite NWO Agenda
4 months ago41,026 views Active measures A K A ideological subversion phase 4: normalization is when the tanks roll in. To get rid of all countries of the world introduce a new currency Amero, depopulate to 500 million and create luciferian paedo run torture world order only people that take the Luciferian oath (masons) can enter.
Sticky with me. They have cut it. Local law and force meant.
On on I'm off.
So if they are freemasons they are killed. See extreme Jesuit oath.
Medical errors and supscription drugs are both in the top ten of leading causes of death though some people leave them out of their top ten. Why?
On on on off.
Nepiophilia and infantophilia sexual preference for toddlers and infants (ages 0 to 3).
Pedophilia: is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children (age 11 or younger).
Hebephilia and ephebophilia are sexual preference for pubescent and post-pubescent youths, respectively (Hebephilia 11 to 14 ephebophilia age 15 to 19).
Teleiophilia (from Greek teleios, "full grown") is erotic or sexual interest in adults. Teleiophilia is not restricted by the teleiophile's age.[citation needed] Teleiophilia was also called adultophilia (age 18 to 80).
Gerontophilia and graeophilia describe erotic or sexual preference for the elderly (age 80 and up).
Nepiophilia ages 0 to 3
Pedophilia age 11 or younger
Hebephilia 11 to 14
ephebophilia 15 to 19
Teleiophilia age 18 to 80
Gerontophilia and graeophilia age 80 and up
Nay P Po Philly aah.
Nay pedophilia. Nay = yay.
With paedophiles people usually mean the Jesuit infant eaters that paid more in paedo court cases than anyone else despite their control of the supreme court and directed energy weapon torture to prevent people from pressing charges. Of course the infant eating popes where never caught and Kevin Annett is controlled opposition erected to prevent the real Jesuit infant eaters from going to jail.
I'm gooder than you.
Happy new year everyone.
Masculism movement to balance feminism.
Not anarchy, autarchy.
Ebola in the UK: Risk of catching virus remains 'very low', say health ...
The Independent-8 hours ago
So the risk is real.
City knife.
Scientists working on ebola cure support the culling. Depopulation
You tube.
I support killing 7 billion people with the sticky end R N A ebola lassa Tekmira chimera virus.
If its not illegal.
Account erased for quoting radical feminist's own words
But the I Support Human Culling & Depopulation facebook page is allowed.
Any state that dares impose laws taxing citizens who wish to remain childless must be obliterated from the face of the earth altogether.
New Iran Nuclear talks deadlines: March 1, July 1, 2015 ...
The jews control the Jesuit.
HIV-Positive Student Videotaped Himself Having Sex With 31 People
11 months ago93,961 views
Overpopulated B B C documentary.
Clone a clown. Bat a wrong.
Amber a dirt.
Across B O land.
Sticky end the brain.
01-01-2015 12:20:58 I support killing everyone and torture
I Support Human Culling & Depopulation
Community 322 likes
Treds humanism
The scientists working on ebola culre.
Pay dod. On lyin' a way.
A ho cur.
Culling aint depopulation. Better than the evils do it. Marihuana sucks. Its a mystery to knee.
Chrome adreno chrome is taken from the tip of the skull. The satanists that made Google are tax exempt like the paedo elite.
I'm a paedo homo necro cannibal.
U 2. I'm trying to help you.
All fall down. And then they buy it.
Juicing help.
The first Jesuits where crypto jews such as Ignatius Loyola.
Two dates conveniently omitted were September 11, 1537, the day of infamy when the Jesuits performed their first human sacrifice and cannibalistic Romish Mass; and July 31, 1556, the day Loyola turned black and died while on his deathbed.
904 - 911 Of moral indecency and depravity: (904 - 911) That Pontifex Maximus III did openly and regularly practice Satanism, including sexual orgies, drug fuelled ritual murders of children in and upon the altar of St Peters consistent with the ancient rites of his forefathers and original Jewish Sadducee founders of Christianity. Furthermore, that Pope Sergius III did strip the convents of Nuns from any pretence of holiness and returned them to being prostitutes for the male clergy as had been their original purpose for the church five hundred years earlier.
Pay. No. Pay. No. Pay no. Want on. O mo.
The Beast Super Computer is partially us, so watch out, our brain wave is electro magnetic.
Recording on line watch I N G.
Ebola Cases Reach Over 20000
TIME-Dec 29, 2014Share
T rannay. Yes you wait.
Images lead experts to warn Tehran may have bomb sooner than expected
I support killing 7 billion people with the sticky end R N A ebola lassa Tekmira chimera virus.
I'm a paedo homo necro cannibal.
U 2. I'm trying to help you.
The end justifies their mean.
Terminate dirt.
We are all murdered with Haarp by the Rockefellers, Jesuits and Freemasons.
They will soon have killed 7 billion people. The Georgia Guide Stones and nazi eugenics democide are real. Your government is terroristic. They control the suppreme court so its kill or be killed.
Your cell phone controlled. Lol.
C N N though.
They do do it. Jesuit. In the air o, differing.
Obama with respirator.
Who would have thought that I would have made it dissed fart.
Only the fittest of the fittest shall surf. I if.
I know we all white.
Victory or Hillary?
It takes one to known one. Be be food challenge. Stereophonic pedocracy. Salteens. Are salty too. Why I. I comfort you.
We don't need dot com websites. We don't need corporations. We don't need centralization.
We will get. Fucking high.
Because it has sticky end D N A the Ebola virus now circulating is a lot more virulent and contagious than the AIDS virus designed at Fort Detrick. Detrick spelled with a D from dork.
So the main population reduction methods in violation of the Genocide Convention to look out for are:
1) Chemtrails: main ingredients cancer causing barium (aluminium) to form an illegal monopoly with Monsatano's aluminium resistant seed, altered blood plasma and the sterelizing toxic agent Ethylene Dibromide. get aircleaner with ionizer & cloudbusters.
2) Tabwater: get a good waterfilter for example Propur from the Infowars store.
3) G, M O, food as a weapon: avoid soy cotton and canola if not bio organic eko, do not eat animal products of stock that has been fed sterelizing soy and corn of Monsatano. Buy eko organic bio.
4) Killer vaccines: Gardasil Girl deaths, children injected with active Polio virus, deadly ingredients Thiomersal (Mercury), squalene and cytokine storm producing toxic agents that may also cause insomnia. Take colloidal silver to kill these nasty new killer designer viruses.
At the rate Ebola is spreading now there would be about 20000 Ebola deaths in 2016.
Ebola may be spreading in the U S, Europe and even China and India. Most people would be misdiagnosed because Ebola is extremely uncomen in these countries and people would be given some ineffective antibiotics like Eric Duncan and sent home.
The Beast Quantum Computers know everything we think. There is no way to hide any thoughts.
The infant eating impalers will depopulate to 500 million but they do not need a world war nor an Ebola pandemic to kill 7 billion people, they do it with Haarp.
They burn my eyes every morning to make my eyes puffy. They have hurt me throughout my body every morning with a beam I can clearly feel on my hand for at least a couple of months now.
The infant eating impaling child raping Jesuits have tortured me every day for about twenty years now with their cancer Haarp in Alaska. Make no mistake: they will kill 7 billion of us to depopulate to 500 million.
You do not need the Challenger and Concorde. Mir.
Killed all Jesuits did it I know I'm alright.
Who's that pope paedo you know it. Yes. You. It.
O press. Cif.
The P pose tempo.
C I A: Catholic Infant Abusers.
O press. See off.
I O K it.
Spray it crowd Say it Flir. You can New con list them as well as you hear.
They erase your memory selectively if you have a good idea.
On off won ion high.
Ebola becomes airborne at 7 degrees Celsius according to infowars so it is vital to keep infected people out of countries where temperatures drop below 20 ° Celsius to prevent Ebola from becoming airborne. Of course it is already in reality, the Ebola Lassa Tekmira Chimera virus is real.
Pen a gon.
The Jesuits are slow killing you all with Haarp which I know because they have already poisoned you all. Not with Ebola or a world war over Iran. They want to preserve the infra structure. And murder 7 billion people of course. The Georgia Guide Stones are real as well as the infant eaters that will kill you.
The pickles temple.
If it wouldn't work. Its work.
I stopped my master. Baiting.
Tomb E T.
Train of thought or not. The gun. Pow their. Plof.
O Iran juice. An A P Beeny.
Thats why they gave us terminator jeans. Go seeding. Dong. Key kong. Go.
Ghetto hay bo Philly. Aah. Power to the peace pope.
Code why it.
Ban in ass. G, M Ows s. Be wise assed serpents.
Sexual. Stimulation is the key to a more peaceful nation.
Yes we can hail satan.
Tell Ulrich power.
There is a silent genocide going on, a gene o cide. Going on. A them mo side.
And. Do you want to be quiet about it keep your head down and hope you survive or should you scream and yell so that everyone can hear you before they put a bullet in your brain. I mean: what's the right choice, you know?
Timothy Trespas.
They can not be it. The beast computer is not you and me.
It only controls what they think and do, they can not do what the beast can.
If you are not breathing but are capable of understanding what I say you must be a neural network.
Strong intelligence.
T I me. Time. Deny D N A.
concordia res parvae crescunt Unity makes strength
We have a guest person. In tha house. In tha house.
All people without a tesla plasma shield are going to die.
haarp torture synthetic telepathy scalar
Your no demon knower.
B O be, be be beam.
The ho op.
Use cream and gell.
Searle's strong AI hypothesis states that "The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds.
Malevolent and friendly AI
There are many forms and applications of AI. Many are in mainstream use today. These are mainly considered weak AI in that they are only applications of AI techniques, not computers that are taking over the world.
Strong AI is the quest for artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence. The basic idea is when we have achieved strong AI, computers will take over the world in one form or another. Perhaps we will make great pets.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has the same meaning.
The brain is not magic. The thinking, recognition, planning and other high-level actions are done by neocortex -- the grey matter. The white matter are just cables connecting the neurons. The neocortex structure is uniform, different regions are specialized only because of the wiring to the sensors. There could be single algorithm applied all over the brain.
Synthetic telepathy and so called super computers marked the beast and quantum computers sold by Lockheed Martin are already use to control the human brain, to totally remotely control humans like puppets, robots or zombies. They are controlled by it until they switch it off because their brain wave is electro magnetic and therefore controllable to a great extent if not totally. Mind off air matter.
Wrong intelligence. You only like my mind power.
Males jerk their cock. Females finger fuck.
Pro blow. Reaction: solution.
We need more synthetic telepathy controlled shooting bloodbaths to promote our illegal gun ban in Europe. Ebola is spreading as planned and soon we will have depopulated to 500 million and we will rule the world from Jerusalem. They cant do anything because we have the death ray. We will tyranize and torture them until they die a slow and painful death. Slow kill is ideal. Yes we can.
The gone bam. Said sheriff caution.
If there are centipedes in my body than they can also be in the A M C hospital and in the U M C hospital where I caught one of which I put a picture on line. I staid a long time in these hospitals for evaluation and tests. These Lithobius Forficatus centipedes enter the alimentary canal at night when people sleep and put their eggs in their heads. It is also possible the one I caught is from their garden. It is possible the one I caught in the U M C hospital was the only centipede in my body because no centipedes showed up on the colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, C T scan and PET scan.
According to the doctors I am now centipede free.
Hoora. Lets party.
I think nazi eugenics is not real.
Most used paswords: God secret love sex
Grey goo, good for you.
the idea is psychic insects again.
We are equaler.
CIA Operation 40 and JFK, RFK, John Lennon assassinations
VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging ExopoliticsTV interview on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, author Ole Dammegard discloses how CIA Operation 40, originally implemented in 1960 by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, became a deadly CIA assassination squad that was used by elites to carry out a swath of destabilizing assassinations and false flag operations worldwide, including the assassinations of JFK, Robert F. Kennedy, John Lennon, with roles in Watergate and 9/11.
Yes we man can.
An em gun could be more effective than a normal one.
Pry fatty. Can can.
On the caller all denied.
We have to ask: who benefits?
W H O.
Juice controls it all the more juice the bad air.
When the people currage the government, there is love.
Matter o their mind.
Direction of Applied Frequency Method Effect
3rd dimension electric and magnetic fields cross to produce a rotating gravity field coupled to light Invisibility
4th dimension x-y-z coil creates fourth dimensional field coupled to target objects Teleportation
5th dimension Solitonic gravity field modulates magnetic flux to channel aether around target object Antigravity
6th dimension Caduceus coil produces scalar field Time travel
Dear gun.
Collective parenting.
Self is fles backwards (bottle in Dutch), time is emit.
Just another indo brick wall.
Lasting minute tripping.
Expose ifs. Stay fuck assed. I think we have reached an extremely low level.
Bad boys bad boys, what your gone I knew who. What your gone I new when they comfort you.
Grey google. Pepsi fetal.
Red lime district. Rats light this tricked.
Fisting king.
Top see cut. Its going to go on.
Report. Air. No on knows.
Rockefeller Foundation’s Futurist Paper Details ‘Ebola Plot’
Economic, gross.
Ebola Rockefella.
Take care of mister Rockefeller and the Jesuit infant eaters before they kill you all.
They steal your brain wave with synthetic telepathy dot com. They steal your thoughts and the quantum computers know what you are gonna say before you actually say it.
Anyone that sends the illegal voice to skull messages into your brain but me is your enemy.
Boy B O Y. Torthaarp.
Hard to believe they are all killed by Rockefeller with Haarp, airborne ebola, home quarantines and nazi eugenics: poisoned tabwater, poisoned chemtrails, slow killer vaccines and G, M O food as a weapon which has contaminated our biosphere beyond repair. See seed bank in Norway.
True none the less. Its because they are brain controlled with synthetic telepathy they will deny it even if you show them the irrefutable evidence: Georgia Guide stones anonymously donated by mister Rockefeller under the pseudonym Robert Christian, B F S A labelling all U S citizens as enemy combatents during emergencies, Fema camps and super computers marked the beast scattered around the globe that control what they think and their emotions until they die. For mister Rockefeller. The people that have to help with the roundup are killed after they have helped with the Democide to leave no trace of evidence.
Your gonna die stitch mouth. We're all herd that way.
I think 2015 will be all about Ebola because none without a Tesla plasma shield would survive a third world war and the Ebola lassa Tekmira chimera virus is still spreading.
-= Anonymous =- • a few seconds ago
Prescription drugs leading killer in the U S A
Medical Errors – A Leading Cause of Death Prescription Drugs – Leading Killer in USA