160,000 Hazmat suits for the people that are gonna exterminate you all.
The Ebola strain in the vaccine can not be the mutated strain.
It is the unmutated strain and may contain an incubation period to slow kill 7 billion people.
The virus may have been created to fit in with their illegal slow kill ebola vaccine and home quarantine democide.
The mutated Ebola strains can not be the same as the Ebola strains put in the vaccine to commit democide. Of course they may pretend it is possible, we know it is impossible because it is still rapidly mutating. They have to be insane to think we would take the slow kill vaccine with all these people advocating genocide with their book quotes on universal peace.jimdo.com
US military will lead $750 million fight against Ebola in West ...
Washington Post? - 8 minutes ago
I think most of the military will die if they do not take
colloidal silver and do not use Hazmat suits with respirators.
Jamming for Jamaica or fighting for Ebola?
I don't care.
I think its obvious the method of the Jesuit controlled psychobama troll guilty of treason is to get the soldiers contaminated and bring them home if they do not get to wear a suit with respirator.
I think they give them the idea its not air borne which it is + its mutating fast.
Further more I think the military will not get respirators and several people with Hazmat suits have died already so they will not get respirators to help spread an Ebola pandemic and die for the New World Order the Jesuit infant eaters pretend of everyone would like to see.
Why not use doctors to fight Ebola? Military are more experienced and they know more than doctors. Lol.
So the main lie to contaminate the military and deepopulate the earth to 500 million they are using at the moment is that the Ebola virus is not airborne.
The other lie is that the modified strains in the slow kill ebola vaccines are the same as the vastly mutating ones.
Respirators are not gasmasks nor face masks Michael Jackson used to wear.
O case ya.
A United Nations sponsored measles vaccine program in northern Syria resulted in 36 children suffering “excruciating deaths,” according to doctors in the area held by U.S. and Saudi mercenaries who are administering the program.
Infants given the poisoned vaccine experienced rapidly falling heart rates and turned blue.
My Infowars reply:
Ulrich Hoffmann • a few seconds ago
I think most of the military will die if they do not take colloidal silver and do not use Hazmat suits with respirators.
I think its obvious the method of the Jesuit controlled psychobama troll guilty of treason is to get the soldiers contaminated and bring them home if they do not get to wear a suit with respirator.
I think they give them the idea its not air borne which it is + its mutating fast to kill them.
Further more I think the military will not get respirators and several people with Hazmat suits have died already so they will not get respirators to help spread an Ebola pandemic and die for the New World Order the Jesuit infant eaters pretend of everyone would like to see.
Why not use doctors to fight Ebola? Military are more experienced and they know more than doctors. Lol.
So the main lie to contaminate the military and deepopulate the earth to 500 million they are using at the moment is that the Ebola virus is not airborne.
The other lie is that the modified strains in the slow kill ebola vaccines are the same as the vastly mutating ones.
Respirators are not gasmasks nor face masks Michael Jackson used to wear.
O case ya.
A United Nations sponsored measles vaccine program in northern Syria resulted in 36 children suffering “excruciating deaths,” according to doctors in the area held by U.S. and Saudi mercenaries who are administering the program.
Infants given the poisoned vaccine experienced rapidly falling heart rates and turned blue.
Ebola miss diagnosed:.C D C changed the list of Ebola symptoms.
The new symptoms of Ebola are so common, there are so many diseases that have the exact symptoms Ebola has that it is almost impossible to diagnose American Ebola patients as such, doctors just do not expect any Americans to have Ebola and it is possible that none of them do at the moment.
Because the list of Ebola symptoms of the C D C has become shorter it has become much harder if not impossible for doctors to properly diagnose Ebola patients as such without an effective reliable test.
The mutated Ebola strains can not be the same as the Ebola strains put in the vaccine to commit democide. Of course they may pretend it is possible, we know it is impossible because it is still rapidly mutating. They have to be insane to think we would take the slow kill vaccine with all these people advocating genocide with their book quotes on universal peace.jimdo.com
It is time for all believers and unbelievers, rich and poor, young and old to unite unite unite to prevent a global paedo elite genocide.
The C D C has reduced the number of symptoms for Ebola from 17 to 8 so they have scrapped 9 symptoms from their list.
Shall I stick a needle in your arm and then squirt it all in?
The new G S K vaccine has a strain of a chimpanzee cold virus called chimp adenovirus type 3 to deliver the benign genetic material of the Zaire strain of Ebola. The strain in Africa is only 97% Ebola Zaire so they should test on patients in Africa, not Great Brittain. Further more: they can not have tested how long the genetic material of the Zaire strain in the vaccine stays in the blood stream and what the long term effects of the vaccine are. Besides the chimp adenovirus type 3 there may be other harmful ingredients in the vaccine such as Mercury which causes brain neuron degeneration of which they pretend its broken down by the body. People that have had their shots might believe that but I do not. See this youtube video: mercury destroys brain.
Using analysis of blood samples from infected patients, however, researchers determined that while the Guinean form of the Ebola virus (EBOV) showed a 97 percent similarity to the Zaire strain, the disease was not introduced from Central Africa.
"This study demonstrates the emergence of a new EBOV strain in Guinea," wrote the group of more than 30 doctors and scientists, who published their preliminary findings on the website of the New England Journal of Medicine.
ASPIRIN IMPAIRS THYROID FUNCTION - depletes the Vitamin C levels of the white bloods & lymphocytes in the lungs & suppresses the fever (a critical stage in getting well again)
vaccine resistance movement.org
Tylenol uses up glutathione stores & metabolites of acetaminophen accumulates causing direct damage to liver cells. GSH essential for function of gut, maintains Vit C & E, maintains mitochondrial integrety, protects against intracellular viruses
Diseased African Monkeys used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines, reports Mike Adams
Originally published August 5 2009
Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor, reports on the use of the kidneys of infected African Green monkeys for the manufacture of the swine flu vaccine. Incidentally, this is the very same process for harvesting a virus that gave the world AIDS.
The key patents for this monkey harvesting process are held by a private military contractor DynCorp that’s been paid billions of dollars by the U.S. government to run military-like operations in Afghanistan, Colombia, Bosnia and Mexico (near where the swine flu was first discovered).
Cum in a banana.
G, M O.
Stay tuned for more info. It will be posted to this page as soon as I edited it.
Thank you for visiting Ebo lag, the Ebola prevention and survival blog.
Please let as many people as you can know about this blog to prevent a planned global pandemic and to share info on surviving one.
Data 4 part 2
Water Turned Blood Red in Canada! 2014
The red algae Porphyra, Eucheuma, Kappaphycus and Gracilaria.
They may have been genetically modified to produce deadly viruses, funghi and toxins.
However, red algae are a natural phenomena, not some kind of miracle.
The U.S. Lost the War Against Ebola in July of 2014
On July 30, 2014, I reported that “Patient Zero, Patrick Sawyer, had a layover in Ghana then changed planes in Togo and flew to an international travel hub of Lagos, located in Nigeria. Nigeria is also the site of an Ebola outbreak. “The dad-of-three died five days after arriving in the city”. His sister, with whom Sawyer had contact, died of Ebola. He should never have been allowed to board any plane.
In the same article I noted that ”a desperate search is on to find the hundreds of passengers who flew on the same jets as Sawyer. A total of 59 passengers and crew are estimated to have come into contact with Sawyer and effort is being made to track each individual down. There is an inherent problem with this “track down”. Sawyer was traveling two “commuter airports”, in which the exposed population was connecting to other flights; at this point, the spread of the virus would quickly expand beyond any possibility of containment because in less than a half a day, nearly a half a million people would be potentially exposed. Within a matter of a couple of hours, Sawyer’s infected fellow travelers would each have made contact with 200 other passengers and crew. Hours later, these flights would land and these people would have gone home to the friends, families and coworkers across several continents”. This was when the world, and in particular, President Obama had a fighting chance to contain Ebola and all parties failed miserably!
I think its pretty scary that these people want to deepopulate the earth with slow kill Ebola vaccines and home quarantines. Why has no one arrested these people yet?
Monkey see as monkey do it.
Global society. Dope.
The price for my blog was basically my teeth. No one out there exposes the Jesuit infant eaters that are gonna kill you all like I do. They have tortured my teeth and the teeth of many other directed energy weapon torture victims like TImothy Trespas out of my mouth with HAARP. They have tortured the teeth out of my mouth one by one. No talk programming. But doctor no is only my internet name, its not my real name.
If the military sent to Ebola countries in Africa where not given colloidal silver nor a respirator for clean air I think Obama should die in stead of 93% of the worlds global population these Jesuits have planned to murder to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million to be able to use them as brain controlled slaves with synthetic telepathy(.com) (scroll down for brain control patents).
Another idea is that the Tekmira Soros accusations are merely a distraction to hide they are using the patented Ebola Bundibugyo virus from Atlanta. I wonder how fast Ebola Bundibugyo mutates and if it is 97% Ebola Zaire like the virus that has killed over 2000 African people so far. They'd just deny it if it where true. Is there anyone that can prove the fastly mutating strain is not the patented Ebola Bundibugyo?
I think home quarantining people will only make the problem worse. Healthy people would be locked in with infected people and would be infected if they do not use a respirator, especially if they would come in contact with Ebola infected patients.
The best way to deal with this is to close the borders of infected countries and split the country up into 2 groups: infected and uninfected people and keep them separated. Treat the infected patients with colloidal silver and use a respirator and suit when entering an infected area.
Former Ebola patients that have anti bodies might be best to hire to treat patients and bury or burn the dead.
Brain control patents:
Cumulative totals of cases and deaths over time (wiki)
Ebola. Getting Better or Worse?

The exponential spread of the Ebola virus
Update (17 Sep 2014) September 17: the number of reported Ebola cases now doubles every 24.3 days.
We've got it all on their controlled.
T F R, C F R, who cares?
The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime if:
She were to experience the exact current age-specific fertility rates (ASFRs) through her lifetime, and
She were to survive from birth through the end of her reproductive life.
It is obtained by summing the single-year age-specific rates at a given time.
The map on wiki shows the countries with the highest T F R (fertility rate):
Mali, Niger, Somalia (6 to 7 children per woman per life time)
Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Afghanistan. (5 to 6)
Also many countries in Africa with a T F R of 4 to 5 children born to a woman over her lifetime.
T F R The fuck rate.
Most people live in China and India.
ulrich b c hoffmann.wix.com/ebo lag
Bond D bloggy yo.
19-9-2014 18:56 The paedo Jesuits block my web browser regularly when I try to visit birdflu666.wordpress.com, Jane Burgermeisters magnificent website.
Are born, airborne, who kills.
E, Bo, lo bom the bug, yo.
S'yes swe napolio. Guess what. Swat.
The Nigerian floo. Mutate test.
That doesn't sound like a whole lot.
Ebolastics. Working on the anti serum probaleed.
Gates Foundation now funding Ebola vaccine development that might be forced upon us all.
The Gates Foundation is funding research into a new Ebola vaccine that everyone would be forced to take. What does Mike Adams base on that everyone would be forced to take the slow kill ebola vaccine?
See list of reasons why vaccination should remain voluntary and may never be made mandatory on
ulrich b c hoffmann.wix.com/ebo lag
One obvious reason is that vaccinated people can not be infected by unvaccinated people if the vaccine would be effective which it can not be because the virus is mutating fast add some people are allergic to some vaccine ingredients and would die when injected. Because colloidal silver is effective we know these vaccines are made to deepopulate. See list of pandemics caused by vaccinations on this blog.
Mercury allergy. Curefew.
Cure you, curfew, whatever.
Dumb I know pot jam.
Kill or everybobby killed.
The CDC, NIH & Bill Gates Own the Patents On Existing Ebola & Related Vaccines: Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near 17
Sep, 2014
TKM-Ebola is an experimental drug for Ebola disease.[1]
TKM-Ebola is being developed by Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp., a company located in Vancouver, Canada. The drug was formerly known as Ebola-SNALP.
It is a combination of Small interfering RNAs targeting three of the seven proteins in Ebola virus: Zaire Ebola L polymerase, Zaire Ebola membrane-associated protein (VP24), and Zaire Ebola polymerase complex protein (VP35), formulated with Tekmira's lipid nanoparticle technology.
In January 2014, Tekmira commenced a Phase I clinical trial of TKM-Ebola to assess its safety in healthy people. The FDA put the trial on clinical hold in July 2014 to assess results, after some subjects had flu-like responses.
Note: ebola symptoms are practically the same as influenza symptoms. It may have an incubation period of the designers choosing and be part of a binary weapon. These people are serious about reducing the worlds global population so your government has to arrest these people before they kill everyone. Since the long term effects of this new vaccine technology have never been tested T K M Ebola may never be made mandatory. Colloidal silver effectively kills the Ebola virus as shown in the scientific research done by the D O D. What more do you want?
In August, the FDA changed the status to "partial hold", allowing the drug to be used under Expanded access in people infected with Ebola but with the Phase I trial still suspended.
Some good sites for creating colloidal silver:
silverpuppy.com thesilveredge.com/gen.shtml
Colloidal silver sellers:
mesosilver.com natural-immunogenics.com
This is life saving info.
Single 16oz. (0.47 liter) bottle of nano silver special price $24,97
And use some drops of Hydrogen Peroxyde, H2O2 with it.
Happy healings yawl.
Drink Colloidal Silver