Important info to prevent and survive a global ebola pandemic
1) Colloidal silver kills the new Ebola virus effectively as shown in the scientific study of the D O D (department of Defense).
2) The Jesuit controlled C D C, the designers of the new patented Bundibugyo Ebola virus strain designed to create a global pandemic and W H O are tools used by the Rockefellers (see: nazi Eugenics democide) and Jesuits to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million with a genetically modified slow kill brain eating vaccine. Because the D O D report has shown colloidal silver effectively kills ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses and this real and only effective Ebola cure has not been shipped to Africa which now has one thousand three hundred fifty ebola deaths to mourn and the C D C and W H O claim a cure will be available in 2015 we know their technique to spread the virus is preventing the African people from getting the real cure, colloidal silver, and using an experimental vaccine, Z Mapp which has an ingredient (MB003) that was only effective in 43% of the monkeys injected with Ebola and another slow kill brain eating vaccine, T K M Ebola which also contains genetically modified ingredients. Because colloidal silver is scientifically proven to be effective against Ebola we know the genetically modified vaccines are used to reduce the worlds global population and we must spread colloidal silver to prevent this new Ebola strain from infecting us all, to prevent a global pandemic to prevent mandatory slow kill brain eating vaccination.
3) Besides the slow kill brain eating vaccines the perpetrators involved in the illegal population reduction (democide) have made illegal laws and plan to home quarantine people to starve them to death and injection with the deadly slow kill vaccine at gunpoint (mandatory vaccinations) to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million (Georgia Guide Stones, illegal book quotes on universal peace.jimdo.com that prove there are people that want to do a population reduction and Ebola would be the best way according to professor Pianka with a p from protein).
4) Closing all borders completely for a while is another way to prevent a global pandemic.
5) This new Ebola strain is patented and airborne. The people that have spread this virus via vaccines (see list of pandemics caused by vaccinations on universal peace.edublogs.org) should be exposed and arrested. Preventing a global pandemic beats curing. Do not follow illegal genocidal orders, recovery begins with non compliance. Unite Unite Unite to prevent the Bundibugyo Ebola genocide. SAVE THIS PDF BACKUP TO CD
The bottom line:
Because colloidal silver is 100% effective in killing the Ebola Virus according to the scientific D O D report we know that anything else is a D Population attempt.
To find my channel search the video entitled: universal peace pidgeon, on you tube.
Skype me: prologic nine hundred ninetee nine (prologic, 3 times the number 9)
You tube vids on the patent and bringing patients to Atlanta
U.S. Government Owns EBOLA 'Patent'! Smoking Gun!
by DAHBOO77 2 weeks ago58,255 views
Ebola in Atlanta, Bio Terrorism Drill in NYC, U S Government Ebola Patent!
by Jenn Openyoureyes2 weeks ago35 views
EBOLA PATENT US20120251502 A1 - Why Does U.S. Government Have PATENT RIGHTS on the EBOLA VIRUS?
by Elite NWO Agenda2 weeks ago18,349 views
Then the patented strain of the C D C will come straight for me.
Hamas. There bait. By B O prophecy. Isis. Tare.
Its pompusterous.
Bus whoar us hot.
Rats flag attack. So ass yo engineering.
Thought suppression. Psychic suppression. Sexual suppression.
A mature phase yawl.
Evol law. Evil ah.
Ref use yee renegade.
Train on thought.
Afraid. Train.
Ice is hotter.
To coke cum hose.
The Doo koo fountain.
Pop parties.
Ebo Bun: Thee Ebola Bunny.
All on known.
The evil ah high. The all seeing why?
Or dope up K Oz.
Bla blatakia.
August 18 Liberia 413 ebola deaths
August 19 Liberia 576 ebola deaths
Liberia August 19: 143 new ebola deaths.
Chemtrails pandemic.
They have to spread their pandemic globally before 2015, before the vaccine is ready if an illegal population reduction is their goal.
Because Ebola is spreading at an exponential rate this is possible.
How is it possible to spread the Ebola in areas that are not densely populated like Africa?
I think it is impossible to spread the Ebola in Africa as fast as they have done without spreading it by dispersing it in the River from whence Ebola originated (named after Ebola river) or injecting people with a new, patented airborne form of Ebola, the Ebola Bundibugyo virus.
Bundibugyo is a place in Western Uganda near the Zaire border.
Zaire is now called Democratic Republic of the Congo according to Google maps.
What is the name of the new Ebola strain that killed one thousand threehundred fifty people in Africa to date?
If it is 97% Ebola Zaire can it be the Bundibugyo variant?
It is not completely Zaire strain if only 97%. Could it have an airborne component since professor Pianka advocated D populating with airborne Ebola, not just Ebola?
Make centipede video. Check Tienhoven.
How could the Ebola virus that only killed 55% of the infected Africans kill 93% of the worlds global population?
Only in combination with slow kill brain eating vaccines and home quarantines and initially witholding working cures from the public to create a global ebola pandemic deliberately.
august 24 2014
1427 ebola deaths so far (dailymail.co.uk)
1350 ebola deaths so far (healthmap.org/ebola total of deaths in 4 countries)
See how far?
C F R.
We are all Bundibugyo'd.
The doo koo foundation.
In another astonishing development, a rogue doctor with extensive experience treating Ebola victims, anonymously released what he calls a simple treatment for Ebola – massive amounts of Vitamin C. Similar but far more extreme than scurvy, the Ebola virus essentially drains the body of all Vitamin C, thus depriving oxygenated blood that bursts capillaries and triggers internal hemorrhaging that in effect causes victims to bleed to death. This Ebola specialist maintains that there is no need for a vaccine and warns against them, adding his opinion that the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone was actually caused by that biowarfare research team. The doctor recommends a high dosage treatment of 500,000 mg of Vitamin C per day, emphasizing that it is not a cure but will boost the immune system giving it the strength to kill off the Ebola virus in the body.
For august 21 to august 24 no data appears on healthmap.org (today is august 24).
Ebola deaths in the week of august 13 to august 20:
August 13: Guinea 377 deaths Sierra Leone 334 deaths Liberia 355 deaths Nigeria 3 deaths
August 20: Guinea 396 deaths Sierra Leone 374 deaths Liberia 576 deaths Nigeria 4 deaths
New deaths in the week of august 13 to august 20:
Guinea 19 deaths Sierra Leone 40 deaths Liberia 21 deaths Nigeria 1 deaths
Total: 81 deaths in the week of august 13 to 20.
The death toll in this week is lower than in the week of my previous comparison indicating a decline in the number of Ebola deaths. However, it is now Sunday and no new reports for the days thursday to sunday have been mapped on healthmap.org. As soon as its updated we can check if this decline in the number of Ebola deaths is correct.
The number of Ebola deaths reported by the dailymail for august 24 is 1427, the number reported by health map.org august 20 was 1350 so that would mean another 77 ebola deaths in 4 days.
Strange powers act. Poison Sky Treaty. Legal Democide Immunity.
We all eat babies for Jesus like pope Francis. Lol.
The incubation period of the C D C's new patented ebola strain is 21 days. Agenda 21 is real.
This incubation period of their designer virus was built in to turn their ebola bio weapon into the slow kill ebola bio weapon it is today.
The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms, is 2 to 21 days.
Next phase: injecting more people with the new, patented, Ebola strain to create their planned global pandemic.
ANONYMOUS • 2 minutes ago
Because colloidal silver is 100% effective in killing the Ebola Virus according to the scientific D O D report we know that anything else is a D Population attempt.
Next phase: injecting more people with the new, patented, Ebola strain to create their planned global pandemic.
The incubation period of the C D C's new patented ebola strain is 21 days. Agenda 21 is real.
This incubation period of their designer virus was built in to turn their ebola bio weapon into the slow kill ebola bio weapon it is today.
The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms, is 2 to 21 days.
A Briton who contracted the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone is being flown back to the UK on an RAF jet, the UK Department for Health has said.
The patient, who is a healthcare worker, is to be flown to RAF Northolt and will then be transported to an isolation unit at the Royal Free Hospital in north London.
Kill the Goyim by any means possible.
Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50
One who knows of evidence must testify, Torah emet. Thou shalt not kill, bible. You may brake any commandment to save a human life, pikuach nefesh.
Religion is an illusion, Freud. Religion is slavery for the mind, Jesus Christ never existed which we know because the Christian Religion is a plagiarised version of the Religion of the Egyptians in worship of the fake deity Horus, Religion is a tool for war creation, religion is a lie. Religious people are liars and stupid people that pretend there is a here after. Even opium is better than religion. Religion is an abomination.
Whatsmyname2 • 11 hours ago
This has good tips on dealing with cytokine storms present in Avian flu and ebola. There are natural and conventional remedies suggested. I learned a lot just from reading page one.
What a cytokines storm does to the body is essentially creates an absorbent amount of TNF alpha production, which results in the body having an over stimulated immune system. Cytokines are soluble hormone-like proteins that signal cell to cell. This situation causes the body to have a very negative anti-inflammatory reaction.
Your own immune system actually kills you. This virus is truly amazing...
Cytokine storm prevention:
Corticosteroids Anti-Viral Infectives: Neuraminidase Inhibitors Emodin, chemical thus cancer causing drugs. Resveratrol Cranberry NDM N-Acetyl-Cysteine Elderberry / Sambucol Chocolate
The slow kill T K M Ebola injection contains cytokines, and other slow kill ingredients not listed because T K M Ebola is a slow kill weapon which we no because colloidal silver is the only effective real cure and they do not list the ingredients on line.
Resist the racist.
Just ignore the part that says there is no cure for Ebola. Whoops!
Hi there. Welcome to Evergreen Air. Spray away.
Ream. Amber alert. Their joke. Hot funny of course.
The paedo perverts (Jesuits) have made sure there are several vaccines already, all genetically modified probably, because they can not get away with injecting you all with something they would not inject to themselves.
Of course they are not going to give silver and the creation of the vaccines may take until 2015 to spread the pandemic first.
Just ignore the part that says there is no cure for Ebola.
Everybody that has been in contact with or treats Ebola patients or visits a country with Ebola deaths must take colloidal silver to prevent dying themselves and a global pandemic.
You can not be infected with the Ebola virus if you have taken enough colloidal silver, put drops in your eyes and nose and inhaled it into your lung. Otherwise you can and there may be a genetically altered virus in the vaccines with an incubation period of their choosing, it would not be the first time they shipped out vaccines with life in stead of deactivated viruses. See the list of pandemics caused by vaccinations on universal peace.edublogs.org.
The incubation period of the new strain of Ebola that has killed over 1400 people in Africa (possibly the C D C's patented Bundibugyo Ebola virus strain that is airborne) is 21 days and Agenda 21 is real as are other illegal laws such as the B F S A and kill switch which could be used to kill large numbers of people (divide to defeat, problem reaction solution).
They will make billions by first spreading the disease by injecting it in other types of vaccines and than offer a possible cure when its to late and their planned global pandemic will be a big success if people do not take colloidal silver. I am for closing the borders of Ebola countries completely and providing the African people with a working cure: colloidal silver, not slow kill brain eating vaccines that may also contain chemicals and other toxins like Mercury renamed Thiomersal to hide its Mercury which causes brain neuron degeneration when put in your blood stream.
There is a cure for Ebola, people that claim there is no cure for Ebola are liars.
The paedo Jesuits are trying to use me to D populate the earth. They start torturing me in the morning when they put female voices in my skull to make sure they do not press charges of incitement to comit genocide against the people that are going to kill them to turn them off and kill them and isolate me further. They also show the victims and other people other victims they have tortured to death and torture everybody with their quantum computer to create their planned pandemic and make everyone kill themselves for their New World Order D population.
Eye witnesses to Pope Francis killing and eating babies in Satanic rituals
The device is working proper lie.
Leave that baby out to die.
The citokeen toots.
Agenda 21 days.
9 11 monkeys.
The vaccine time.
Cammo ammo collo.
Securitude. Then I don't like your altitude.
Its nuts spreading.
Emergency power, time remaining.
Rat tat tat tap on that ass.
I didn't hear it in it. I'm sorry.
Exposed and thus preventive.
My sure.
Evacuate the quarantined. Lol.
This is the ant. My little friend. Ho land.
Doo kood advice.
I hope their fuck scene is infective.
Ebola party. For Bo viriday.
Important info to prevent and survive a global ebola pandemic?
Watch Patented Ebola Bundibugyo Strain Used To Depopulate To Create Global Pandemic? On you tube. And watch: Ebola Will Become Global Pandemic Colloidal SIlver Only Real Cure fx on you tube. You can also tune into my channel on you tube my channel name is: Ulrich Hoffmann
To find my channel search on youtube for the video universal peace pidgeon.
Also watch: Global Ebola pandemic survival arrest people that have incited to commit genocide on my channel.
Teleportation nation.
If you are a single female you are most welcome to drink a bear, shoot some pool, sit on the healing balcony with me and perhaps let me give you a healing she hot sue massage or foot massage.
Skype me: prologic999
Visit me: Prins Bernhardlaan number 19, Mijdrecht the Netherlands.
E mail me: ulrich B C hoffmann (double F and double N) @g mail.com.
Move your as ho's.
Spreading and spraying.
Chemtrail pandemic.
Global gas chamber.
A polo patent.
HAARP closed and ABANDONED? No, just the website ...
HAARP ionospheric research program set to continue
Because the new Ebola strain clearly is airborne despite desperate people lying it is not airborne a global pandemic scenario is very likely.
Colloidal silver in the bird ball.
(CNN) -- The Ebola outbreak "continues to accelerate" in West Africa and has killed 1,552 people so far, the World Health Organization said Thursday.
The total number of cases stands at 3,069, with 40% occurring in the past three weeks. "However, most cases are concentrated in only a few localities," the WHO said.
E bo lol.
Let go of cointelpro.
Ukraine cease fire, diplomatic solution. Agree. Meant.
I sees. No way up. X T C D C.
Hamasterplan. Preventive mess. Sure.
Hansome ransome.
Pre empty. Pre N P T.
Mall we're found.
Jesuitish. Animal whe're found.
Liberalism at airy. D U T. Come to terrorism.
Anon S T.
President Putin said: they are patriots of Russia. I thought they where patriots of Europe.
Yankee go home. Crimea crime there crime is everywhere.
Yur asia and yur krane. Moscow itch. Natoto.
Putin the reem agreement.
Ass sum I laid. Whine hot.
The world controls money. Pow Mall we're found. Nah no not bought.
X terminator. Steve Jobs also whore glasses.
Putin your place. Ukrainy. Zombie O and Zom B B.
Ebola drug Z Mapp BO3000 is only 43% efective at treating monkeys that show symptoms according to the producer of the drug.
Experimental Ebola Treatment Protects Some Primates Even After Disease Symptoms Appear
In the current study, 43 percent of infected non-human primates recovered after receiving
the treatment intravenously 104 to 120 hours after infection. The experimental design differed
significantly from the team’s earlier work—this time, infected animals were not treated until they
developed measurable symptoms of disease.
Ebola virus is 'mutating rapidly', experts warn
Almost 400 genetic modifications were found during the course of the study
The team's catalogue of 395 mutations may serve as a starting point for other research groups.
Everyone has balls. Women have breasts and man have, uh, footballs.
So kosy S M. Infant. Decide. E Z map.
A E V D.
Has the new patented Bundibugyo Ebola strain been genetically modified to mutate rapidly so the virus strain can not be traced back to its makers and is not identifiable as Ebola Bundibugyo?
How do you know that is the case?
Malawi labs cannot detect Ebola virus – Officials
Nyasa Times-9 hours agoShare
Because the bowl is filled with heated dry red wine spiced with cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and orange peel, so its not in it. Feuerzangenbowle
Virus is mumutat tat tat tating rapidly, x x experts warn.
We need a road map to spread the virus for the new walled Owe dah.
Ebola virus mutating fast making vaccines ineffective.
Colloidal silver is the only real Ebola cure.
Hopes of Ebola cure dampened as virus 'is mutating'
ITV News-Aug 28, 2014
An analysis of more than 99 Ebola virus genomes collected from 78 patients diagnosed with Ebola in Sierra Leona in the first 24 days of the outbreak revealed almost 400 genetic modifications, making virus genomes from the current outbreak distinct from the viral genomes tied to previous Ebola outbreaks.
And it could be detrimental not only to current treatments, but also to future vaccines that are in the works.
The strain of Ebola virus that is currently sweeping across West African countries mutates more rapidly than any in the past, researchers reveal.
Who started it.
Feds set to start new Ebola vaccine trials
Federal officials will begin testing an Ebola vaccine on humans starting ... “The key thing is that viruses in particular are constantly mutating and ...
Tekmira, C D C patent Atlanta.
O yeah, the C D C train.
Hopes of Ebola cure dampened as virus 'is mutating'
Last updated Fri 29 Aug 2014
The deadly Ebola virus which has killed hundreds of people in West Africa is mutating at a rate which could hamper efforts to find a cure, researchers have warned.
Genetic studies of some of the earliest Ebola cases in Sierra Leone have found more than 300 changes in the virus as it moved from person to person.
The findings, published in Science, suggest current diagnostics and potential treatments and vaccines may struggle to keep up.
Future vaccines could also be less effective as these mutations continue
As Ebola death toll rises, scientists work on nanotech cure
Computerworld-Aug 20, 2014Share
I prefer nahn. Bread.
Ebola drug Z Mapp is only 43% efective at treating monkeys that show symptoms according to the producer of the drug.
File a virus. V love virus.
C D. That's wonderful.
Ideas are bulletproof, C D roms are E M P proof. C D, C?
To immune. Ice everyone.
WHO spokesam Gregory Härtl told this blog in April there were no Ebola vaccines and, therefore, there could be no conflict of interest. Just a few weeks later GSK is preparing to roll out a vaccine, apparently with adjuvants and a live Ebola virus, which could highly likely infect people with Ebola.
WHO documents reveal plans for 6.7 billion people to take this vaccine with provisions for force.
I think nobody will bomb the W H O.
Vaccination can not be made mandatory because the virus has mutated.
Colloidal silver is the only effective ebola cure.
If the vaccine makes people immune, which it does not: the vaccine may be used to spread ebola, if the vaccine makes people immune than people that are not vaccinated can not pose any risk nor threat to the vaccinated, supposedly immune people therefore it can not be used as an argument for a slow kill brain eating vaccine injection D population in violation of the genocide convention.
Never follow illegal orders. Recovery begins with non compliance.
Never give up your guns, remember to always question authority.
Somebody please shoot the S holes that want to kill us all.
If a person refuses to be vaccinated that person may not be quarantined during the public health emergency because vaccinated people are immune any way if the vaccine would be effective which it is not of course because the Ebola virus is mutating fast.
Atx • 24 days ago
It's a known fact that not only do vaccines not cure viruses, they cause the virus to evolve, just remember that our government brought Ebola here directly, it didn't secure the borders and allowed diseases to come through freely and it didn't stop flights coming in from known to be contaminated areas.
As far as mandatory vaccinations that won't happen unless they're fully committed at the time to load you onto a train and ship you to a concentration camp, what they will do is tell you that you have to by law get the vaccine like a broken record where you can just simply not take it as they won't force you to. The people this broken record you must obey tactic will work on are the sheeple who will see them as authority figures and comply with their every demand, they will not come knocking on your door with swat teams and a doctor with a vaccine ready to be injected because if they did we all know there would be destruction all over the country and it would most certainly kick off the apocalyptic scenarios.
Simply, don't take the vaccine, they have no power over you as they're just mere mortals that believe they're higher than you and you must obey when in fact they are leagues lower as they've sold out.
Immune in june. Lol.
The all seeing why.
Over I cute.
Shoot the ass holes that want to illegally force vaccinate us all if there is no other way to prevent their long planned illegal slow kill Ebola vaccine democide. Up first.
We do it at 3 A M many?
Global mandatory vaccination of everybody.
Colony. Yawl. SIlver.
Countries only 1 flight away from the Ebola infected countries:
U S, turkey, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, U K, France, Spain, Alaska, Kuweit, Jorden, Egypt + several countries in Afrika.
Q Z.com has a map.
EBOLA IS AN ANTIBODY DEPENDENT VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
EBOVs are zoonotic pathogens that cause severe disease in humans and nonhuman primates but do not cause disease in wild-type mice or guinea pigs unless first adapted to these species. The peritoneal route of infection is lethal in the mouse model following infection with a mouse-adapted EBOV, whereas inoculation via the subcutaneous, intradermal, or intramuscular route was not (3, 58). We found that the vast majority of PECs permissive for entry are PEMs, and we further showed that mouse myeloid DCs were also permissive for infection (Fig. 2). It has been proposed that EBOV targets APCs, such as macrophages, for infection and that their infection contributes to the manifestations of EBOV hemorrhagic fever (3–7, 52, 58–62). Therefore, defining intermolecular interactions that influence the outcome of APC infection has relevance to EBOV pathogenesis.
Than how did the Ebola virus hop from a pig to a Macaque monkey in another cage if the virus was not first adapted to these species? How mutated can it be?
How can they claim Z mapp is 100% enfective when 1 of the 3 people treated with Z mapp died?
They can simply lie and pretend quote it appears that the mutated ebola strains do not affect Z mapp and it is 100% effetive though their own study showed 67% of the Ebola infected monkeys treated with Z mapp died.
The more of us know colloidal silver is the only effective Ebola cure and there is no valid argument for mandatory vaccination the bigger our chance of survival becomes (the better the chances of our survival become). The more people immunize themselves with colloidal silver the slower the Ebola spreads and a global pandemic is preventable with colloidal silver and closing the borders of infected countries.
Ulrich Hoffmann1 second ago
Greetings to you superior being. YOUR CHANNEL IS THE BEST YOUTUBE CHANNEL< WITHOUT ANY DOUBT > Thanx for uploading this.
The more of us know colloidal silver is the only effective Ebola cure and there is no valid argument for mandatory vaccination the bigger our chance of survival becomes (the better the chances of our survival become). The more people immunize themselves with colloidal silver the slower the Ebola spreads and a global pandemic is preventable with colloidal silver and closing the borders of infected countries.
Take care of the ass holes that want to illegally force vaccinate us all if there is no other way to prevent their long planned illegal slow kill Ebola vaccine democide.
Vaccination can not be made mandatory because the virus has mutated.
Colloidal silver is the only effective ebola cure.
If the vaccine makes people immune, which it does not: the vaccine may be used to spread ebola, if the vaccine makes people immune than people that are not vaccinated can not pose any risk nor threat to the vaccinated, supposedly immune people therefore it can not be used as an argument for a slow kill brain eating vaccine injection D population in violation of the genocide convention.
Never follow illegal orders. Recovery begins with non compliance.
Never give up your guns, remember to always question authority.
The more of us know colloidal silver is the only effective Ebola cure and there is no valid argument for mandatory vaccination the bigger our chance of survival becomes (the better the chances of our survival become). The more people immunize themselves with colloidal silver the slower the Ebola spreads and a global pandemic is preventable with colloidal silver and closing the borders of infected countries.
Here is the evidence that proves the D O D knew colloidal silver kills Ebola effectively all along: http://www.thesilveredge.com/ pdf/ defense-threat-reduction-agency-silver-nanoparticles-neutralize-hemor rhagic-fever-viruses.pdf?
The more people immunize themselves with colloidal silver the slower the Ebola spreads and a global pandemic is preventable with colloidal silver and by closing the borders of infected countries. http://www.thesilveredge.com/studies.shtml
Silver Nanoparticles Neutralize Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses
This is a recently unclassified presentation produced by the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction. It demonstrates the powerful neutralizing effects of silver nanoparticles against hemorrhagic fever viruses, including Arenavirus and Filovirus (i.e., Ebola). One of the main tasks of the DOD’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency is to “anticipate and mitigate future threats long before they have a chance to harm the United States and our allies.” The presentation was given by researchers from the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing of the Air Force Research Laboratory. The researchers concluded that in vitro, silver nanoparticles neutralize hemorrhagic fever viruses inside the cells by decreasing S segment gene expression and concomitantly decreasing progeny virus production. They note that viral neutralization occurs during the early phases of viral replication, so silver nanoparticle treatment would have to be administered prior to viral infection or within the first two to four hours after initial virus exposure.
There is no valid argument for mandatory vaccination because:
1) If the vaccine is effective immunized people can not be infected by non immunized people.
2) There are people that have advocated using Ebola to reduce the worlds global population.
3) The virus has mutated terribly
So they would have to have vaccines with the deactivated mutated types of Ebola, one vaccine for every mutated virus type and they have discovered about 300 mutations of this virus so its not gonna happen okay?
If they do not close the borders its their own choice you know?
If they do not take colloidal silver and get storable food and weapons to protect it all its their own choice you know?
synthetic telepathy.com
The sane and the moral will naturally ally against evil so that they don't have to live in the midst of evil.
If they are all brain controlled it is not their own choice.
They would use red herrings to change the subject.
They would disbelieve and ridicule the idea they are brain controlled.
They would label the person that claims they are all brain controlled as insane.
Even if you provide irrefutable evidence that proves they are brain controlled they would disbelieve it.
To prevent the brain controllers from being caught and their brain control machine from being turned off.
So, the doctors can help you.
G, M O is natural. Gun, pow, their plot.
Professor Pianka advocated using airborne ebola to depopulate and monkeys in a cage where infected by a pig in another cage so that is what it is.
They have designed this virus to kill 7 billion people with slow kill brain eating vaccines which is why the virus only kills about 55% of the infected people and it is rapidly mutating.
The designers have the antidote, a serum.
The people involved in this deepopulation are not going to take the slow kill brain eating vaccine themselves. They will either pretend they do but are injected with medical grade water, they will use one of the vaccines and give another less expensive vaccine to the populace that will be force vaccinated (mandatory) or pretend they do not have to take the vaccine because they are properly quarantined like B O.
How else are they going to get their nah no death chippy in your arm?
The beast is the name of the so called super computers controlled from Area 51 scattered strategically around the globe to brain control everyone.
They also found sequence variations indicating that, from the samples sequenced, the EVD outbreak started from a single introduction into humans, subsequently spreading from person to person over many months.
Genomic sequencing reveals mutations, insights into 2014 Ebola outbreak
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Blue transponderty.
The best source of a king information out there:
Dahboo7, Underground World News.
Watch: EXPOSED! DNA Sequences Reveal Ebola's Spread and Mutation!
19,579 views 1 day ago
Nothing about colloidal silver on the channel though.
First Off, Im about real and interesting things going on in this world !! IF YOUR TOO CLOSE MINDED, THIS CHANNEL IS NOT FOR YOU!
I Deliver Fresh News When I Can On Live Events and Cover In Depth Looks Into This Government and False Flag Attacks! I report on Earthquakes or crazy weather, Sun Activity and Asteroids and Comets, Illuminati , Government , World Power, Conspiracies, Shootings, Bombings and other Terror Attacks !! IF THIS DONT FIT THE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT YOUR LOOKING FOR , THEN UN OR DONT SUB!!!!
My ebolala ring will protect you all.
The next Isis age.
O yeah they get my pay though no joke.
You realize all this now regardless of where you are on the planet because of this hypnosis.
The. Key: I'm ebola.
Or their not out of chaos. Damascus not the mask.
I think we are gonna die of the home quarantines not of the vaccines.
WHO documents reveal plans for 6.7 billion people to take this vaccine with provisions for force.
Experimental Ebola treatment helped, Nancy Writebola s ...
Fake Ebola Deaths Used to Promote Sales of Experimental ...
George Kaplan • 3 days ago
Ebola doesn't have DNA. It's genome is single-stranded RNA.
This is really important to why it can mutate so quickly, actually, and why a vaccine for the virus is so hard to make. Unlike DNA, RNA has no proofreading or repair mechanism.
Club of Romeo.
Rockefeller killed on friday the thirteenth by Rockefeller senior with Haarp? Plane crash.
Japanese prime minister extorted with Haarp?
Popes eating infants as part of their initiation ritual according to vatican documents and eye witness testimonies?
Several Top Secret recommendations were made by Doctor Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. He advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the famous Black Death of history.
The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. The orders where given to develop the microbe and to develop a prophylactic and a cure. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be introduced by vaccine. The prophylactic was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died. The cure will be announced as newly developed when in fact it has existed from the beginning. This plan is a part of Global 2000. The prophylactic and the cure are suppressed.
From the book: Something in This Book Is True By Bob Frissell, page 51.
What: Drill for Area Contingency Plan 4
When: Thursday, September 11, 2014 7:30 AM
calspillwatch.dfg.ca.gov/Calendar Drills & Exercises Calendars
Medicine, my sin, mice.
Echinacea: a Miracle Herb against Aging and Cancer ...
(bats have a similar metabolic rate to mice but live 10 times longer)
Hydroxocobalamin foods: cheese, salmon.
I do not believe that the virus went through the suit and if it is airborne it is easy to explain.
US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola outbreak
44 Votes
*US bioweapons lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at core of Ebola epidemic
*CDC admits hospitals and vaccines cause Ebola
*UK and US mainstream media fuel Ebola hysteria
*The Telegraph hypes Ebola as a threat to Britain
*Epidemic and pandemic plans allow for implementation of martial law
Vaccine death scene.
Why haven't they closed the borders yet of the Ebola infected countries?
Do they want Ebola?
To make billions of a slow kill ebola vaccine?
Which is why we may not close the borders of infected countries.
Ebola a poke a. Ebola polka can not be far away.
Santa is comming to clown.
Peter pandemic.
A global pandemic is more expensive than closing the borders of these infected countries.
Your life is the most important thing. Survival. Is. All.
C D C strains.
Unite unite unite to prevent the global forced slow kill ebola vaccine injection genocide.
Ebola strain all urine.
The stupid jokes and thoughts in between the more useful, important information, are my own jokes sometimes but sometimes they are thoughts the quantum super computer of the infant eating Jesuits sent in my own inner voice which is a reason for me to write these thoughts up down.
Close all the borders of infected countries, or die.
This is not a threat. This is just the truth, fact.
Close all the borders of infected countries, or die.
Mutating ting ting ting.
Ebola deaths count of the W H O: september 1: 1565
Nothing about the mutation of the virus on the infowars page today.
Countries that should close their borders completely until the spread of Ebola has stopped to prevent a global pandemic and other African countries from becoming infected:
Guinea 430 deaths
Sierra Leone 422 deaths
Liberia 694 deaths
Nigeria 6 deaths
13 deaths
Of these countries only Liberia has closed its border? No.
Countries that have closed their borders: Liberia, Senegal, Ivory coast.
Liberia: Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf closed most of the country's borders. The few points of entry that are still open will have Ebola testing centers and will implement preventive measures.
Senegal: Senegal has closed its borders with Guinea
Ivory Coast: Prime Minister Daniel Duncan signed the order that closes the land borders Ivory Coast shares with Guinea and Liberia.
Tests are unreliable so completely closing the borders would be better. One person can infect all of us since the virus is mutating. How can tests be reliable if the virus is mutating?
Just trying to prevent a global pandemic, preventing beats curing.
Countries that have not closed their border at this time, not even partially:
Guinea 430 deaths
Sierra Leone 422 deaths
Nigeria 6 deaths
Democratic Republic of the Congo 13 deaths
Please send the countries that have closed their borders colloidal silver and medical aid.
Of course it should still accept items shipped from countries that are not infected. And also ship silver to countries that have not closed their borders to prevent a global pandemic.
Guinea and Sierra Leone should close their borders immediately.
If the Ebola tests are unreliable (mutation) the borders must be closed completely.
Nigeria is huge. The cases seem to be spread all around the country, 17 cases and 6 deaths to date.
The borders our clothes.
If the borders are not completely sealed the ebola virus will spread to other countries.
If effective screening is possible than that would and should be enough.
2-9-2014 00:02
The perpetrators have been attacking me with the ringing in the head beam for about 2 days now. This may be causing me to feel extremely tired.
It turns out that MB003 is only one of the ingredients of Z Mapp. MB003 was only effective in 43% of the treated monkeys while the virus kills about 55% of the infected humans.
About Z mapp:
the components are humanized monoclonal antibody c13C6 from MB-003 and two humanized mAbs from ZMab, c2G4 and c4G7
But despite their claim that Z Mapp was 100% effective in monkey studies the B B C writes in the same article, quote:
two out of seven people given the drug, have later died from the disease (B B C.com)
So despite being 100% effective in monkeys it was only 71.43% effective in humans according to the article. This may have to do with the fact the new Ebola virus is mutating so it will become more and more resistant the longer the people are not treated with colloidal silver. bbc.com/news/health-28980153
Wouldn't it be weird if you can not press charges against Professor Pianka and others that have advocated killing 80 to 90% of the worlds global population with and airborne Ebola virus?
Because only a couple of the borders of infected countries have been closed and the virus is mutating this will become a global pandemic okay?
Nope, keep the change.
Sell out, bail in.
Bought that rain. Cherry rain. Aah.... Strawberry first.
First the islands close their borders so then it cant happen.
A safe palm tree to travel too.
Switch it off, sabotage their slow kill fack scene D population plans, take over over.
Press charges of incitement to commit genocide against the people that did it with their book quotes proving it, on:
No dark suck hasmat, in the class room.
Teacher leave, your thought controlled.
I'm that. Funny.
The "I'm doing the right thing" graffiti on the walls of the W H O and or C D C.
Made with a mask on, a clown thats funny.
Don't do it. Because it would be illegal. In reality.
No dark suit hasmat, in the class room.
Teacher leave, your thought controlled.
If they would have been able to kill any of us with their machine they would have done so already.
Yes we scan.
Control B, O, underlining.
Because it has mutate.
The Ebolag.