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Governments seize colloidal silver being used to treat Ebola patients, says advocate


(NaturalNews) Efforts to bring natural Ebola treatments to suffering West Africans have been squelched by the World Health Organization (WHO), which recently blocked multiple shipments of nanosilver solution measuring at 10 parts per million (ppm) from entering the region, leaving thousands to suffer needlessly.


WHO officials also reportedly called off a trial at an Ebola isolation ward where local health authorities were set to begin administering the silver, which the U.S. government previously demonstrated is highly effective against Ebola. WHO ordered the trial not to proceed despite the fact that it had earlier voiced support for experimental treatments.


Both WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have given their blessing to experimental therapies for Ebola, citing a lack of proven treatment options. But when it comes to using therapeutic silver, all bets are off, it seems.


Authorities block small shipment of nanosilver three times (O bam a)


According to the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF), efforts to ship nanosilver into Sierra Leone have thus far failed. The organization has been trying to deliver a shipment of 200 bottles of nanosilver 10 ppm, and 100 tubes of nanosilver gel, to no avail. At this point, the shipment has been returned to the U.S. for the third time.


"That parcel, shipped Air Express at a cost of $3400 to Sierra Leone on August 20, never made it out of Paris," reads an NSF action alert. "Air France has yet to find a reason for that. But it made its way back to the US again, apparently for the 3rd time without being delivered to Africa."


Someone should press charges against the C D C and W H O for damages caused by blocking this Nano silver shipment. It is murder because colloidal silver is the only effective cure scientifically proven to kill ebola effectively by the Strategic Threat Reduction Agency (STRA) of the Department Of Defense (DOD).

It is clearly done on purpose to create a global pandemic with the goal to force vaccinate 7 billion people to death with T K M Ebola clear from numerous official documents and other facts listed on this blog that prove beyond any reasonable doubt people are creating this pandemic deliberately to reduce the worlds global population in violation of the Genocide Convention. Rothschilds (Committee of 300) ending the travel ban and opening the borders of infected countries to migration, the C D C scrapping 11 symptoms thus reducing the number of symptoms listed to diagnose Ebola to make it practically impossible to diagnose Ebola correctly because the new list of symptoms matches the symptoms of thousands of other diseases, pretending its not airborne which is the only way it could have spread to so many health care workers wearing protective gear, etcetera and now the blocking of the only cure: colloidal silver.


Formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) reveal that antimicrobial silver solutions like the kind NSF is trying to deliver to Africa have proven benefits in fighting Ebola and other forms of hemorrhagic fever. Research conducted by the DOD and several other federal agencies back in 2008 confirmed this, though health regulators largely ignored it.


A presentation entitled "Silver Nanoparticles Neutralize Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses," which revealed exactly what its name suggests, was buried and kept secret for years. In essence, investigators determined that simple silver solutions neutralize viruses like Arenavirus and Filovirus, both of which are related to Ebola.


Interestingly, the research was conducted with the backing of the DOD's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the U.S. Strategic Command Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction. The presentation was given by researchers from the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing of the Air Force Research Laboratory.


Of how many nano vaccines have the long term effects been proven? None!

Has any nano vaccine been tested at all? I have not found any yet with Google.


But not a single mainstream media outlet reported on the presentation, and to this day its findings have been largely ignored by establishment health authorities. Sadly, this political quagmire -- nanosilver is an obvious threat to pharmaceutical interests, and thus is being marginalized -- is resulting in thousands of needless deaths in West Africa with no end in sight.


Contact your representatives and demand that nanosilver be used in Africa


NSF is calling on 10 million people to write their representatives and demand that clinical trials be conducted on nanosilver in Africa. The group says doctors and nurses need nanosilver to protect themselves, and patients need it to overcome the disease. Recommended dosages for each application are available at the following link; at the bottom of this page, you can also contact your representatives by inputting your zip code:


Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at


Great articles! Important info! Thank you Mike Adams!!!


Someone should press charges against the C D C and W H O for damages by blocking this Nano silver shipment It is murder!


Please contact me if you have more info on the ingredients of the slow kill brain eating vaccine that they are going to use to depopulate the earth (T K M Ebola). Is the T4 bacteriophage in their and will we get to know the exact ingredients before they inject it. Has it been tested on humans? The long term effects? (ill)Legally immune?


The death of 7 billion people can only be prevented by giving everyone colloidal silver and or closing the borders of infected countries to migration.


Thank you Mike Adams for writing this magnificent peace.


Avoid inocculation with their slow kill vaccine by any means necessary nation!

Colloidal silver is proven to be effective in killing ebola yet the MSM claim there is no cure. THEY ARE LYING. Ted Turner of C N N wants 95% of you dead. Read more on my blog.


Colloidal silver beats Hazmat suit and respirator. 

I would still use compressed air when handling corpses, operating and when surrounded by many Ebola patients. Nosocomially: in and through hospitals.


Also see the list of pandemics caused by vaccinations on my blog.

Recovery begins with non compliance.


YouTube (owned by Google) does not let you watch videos anonymously. As such, watching YouTube videos here will be tracked by YouTube/Google.


Eric Duncan Cameron Nina Pham Nah no famine.


homas Eric Duncan was a Liberian and the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, and the first to die from the disease on American soil. He died on October 8, 2014 from complications of Ebola[1] at the age of 42, in Dallas, Texas.


On the night of October 10, a 26 year-old nurse, identified on October 13, 2014 as Nina Pham, at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital who had treated Duncan reported a low-grade fever and was placed in isolation. On October 11, the nurse tested positive for Ebola virus. On October 12, the CDC confirmed the positive test results.


Hospital officials said the nurse wore the recommended protective gear when treating Duncan on his second visit to this Dallas hospital, and she had "extensive contact" with him on "multiple occasions". The nurse was in stable condition as of October


I want you to lipid up.

Lipid. Nahn. O. Technology.


Page the end zero.


Nina Pham Confirmed As First Known Person To Contract Ebola In U.S.

The Huffington Post  | By Alana Horowitz

Posted: 10/13/2014


Has anyone checked if the nano technology in Tekmira's T K M Ebola vaccine has self replicating nano bots in it like the T 4 bacteriophage that is designed to eat parts of the huma brain selectively in fact causing a lobotomy?


(NaturalNews) A global outbreak of deadly Ebola is underway and has crossed national borders. One infected victim of the horrifying disease flew on international flights, vomiting on board and exposing hundreds of people to the deadly virus which can be transmitted through airborne particles. Ebola has an 8-10 day incubation period, meaning thousands of people could be carrying it right now and spreading it across the cities of the world without even knowing it. 


Note: this version of Ebola may have a longer incubation period of 21 days (Agenda 21). The people that are using these engineered Ebola strains are obsessed with reducing the worlds global population to 500 million.


Passengers in Hong Kong and the UK have already shown symptoms of the disease and are being tested, reports USA Today. (2) The Peace Corps has evacuated its volunteers from the region after two were exposed to Ebola. (3)


"Expert claims panic over death of U.S. man in Nigeria is 'justified'" reports the Daily Mail. (1) "He warned the spread of Ebola could become a global pandemic."


Monsanto and Dept. of Defense help fund pharma company that could earn billions from Ebola treatment


One fascinating development worth investigating further is that TEKMIRA Pharmaceuticals, a company working on an anti-Ebola drug, just received a $1.5 million cash infusion from none other than Monsanto. The money from Monsanto is reportedly related to the company's developed of RNAi technology used in agriculture. The deal is valued at up to $86.2 million, according to the WSJ. 

Another press release about Tekmira reveals a $140 million contract with the U.S. military for Ebola treatment drugs.

Sadly, the history of medicine reveals that drug companies, the CDC and the WHO have repeatedly played up the severity of disease outbreaks in order to promote sales of treatment drugs

See list of pandemics caused by vaccinations on this blog, use the search in the right top corner.


Just one organism is sufficient to infect a new host


Just how much Ebola virus does it take to infect someone? Alarmingly, as the Public Health Agency of Canada explains, "1 - 10 aerosolized organisms are sufficient to cause infection in humans." (8)


Read that again: it takes just ONE aerosolized organism (a microscopic virus riding on a dust particle) to cause a full-blown infection in humans. This is why one man vomiting on an international flight can infect dozens or hundreds of other people all at once.


Some experts fear that has already happened. As the Daily Mail reports: (1)


Nigerian health officials are in the process of trying to trace 30,000 people, believed to be at risk of contracting the highly-infectious virus, following the death of Patrick Sawyer in Lagos. It comes as Nigerian actor Jim Lyke sparked outrage, posting a picture of himself wearing an Ebola mask while sitting in a first class airport lounge as he fled Liberia.


Dave Hodges of The Commonsense Show reports: (7)


A desperate search is on to find the hundreds of passengers who flew on the same jets as Sawyer. A total of 59 passengers and crew are estimated to have come into contact with Sawyer and effort is being made to track each individual down.


CBS News adds: (4)


"Witnesses say Sawyer, a 40-year-old Liberian Finance Ministry employee en route to a conference in Nigeria, was vomiting and had diarrhea aboard at least one of his flights with some 50 other passengers aboard. Ebola can be contracted from traces of feces or vomit, experts say."



The perfect bioweapon against humanity?


I also need to make you urgently aware that Ebola is a "perfect" bioweapon. Because of its ability to survive storage and still function many days, weeks or years later, it could be very easily harvested from infected victims and then preserved using nothing more than a common food dehydrator.


As the Public Health Agency of Canada explains: (8)


The virus can survive in liquid or dried material for a number of days (23). Infectivity is found to be stable at room temperature or at 4 (C) for several days, and indefinitely stable at -70 C.


To translate this into laymen's terms, this means the Ebola virus can be:


• Stored in a liquid vial and easily smuggled across international borders.


• Dehydrated and stored in a dried state, then easily smuggled.


• Frozen at very low temperatures where it remains viable indefinitely.


Once dried, contained or frozen, Ebola pathogens can be smuggled into target countries with ridiculous ease. In the United States, for example, people can literally walk right through our Southern open borders with zero security whatsoever.


Open borders is an open invitation for bioweapons terrorism

Drug company stocks exploding after Ebola identified in America


The following five lucrative stocks are a glaring example of how greed is perpetuating disease in the universe today.


#1 Tekmira Pharmaceuticals (TKMR)

#2 BioCryst Pharmacuticals (BCRX)

#3 Sarepta Therapeutics (SRPT)

#4 NewLink Genetics (NLNK)

#5 Then there's Lakeland Industries (LAKE),


Potential Issues with Nanovaccines

As with all novel medicines, significant proof of efficacy and safety is required before even small trials with human patients can begin. The main concerns with nanovaccine technologies are:


variations in toxicity/biocompatibility with nanoparticle size and shape

reproducibility of nanoformulations on a large scale

toxicity issues, particularly long-term accumulation in organs

The toxicity of nanoparticles is hard to assess, particularly when trying to rapidly screen a number of nanoformulations for vaccines or other drugs. Many of the adverse effects of nanoparticles on humans are likely to result from long-term, low-level exposure, which is difficult to measure, and requires very long trials to determine.


Note: Nano death chippy's cause heart attacks and brain bleedings. People that write this stuff are usually trying to cell it or hoping for a break through.


Researchers are trying to develop higher throughput tests for chemical signatures which appear in the short term which could be indicators of longer term problems. These are difficult to get accurate, however, and our understanding of the long term effect of nanoparticle exposure is still limited.


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