Register the names of the deadly vaccines and count the amount of people that have died from them. Stop pretending its not the vaccine that causes these deaths when they die within 48 hours after the shot. If it is slow kill they will not.
A doctor and nurse have testified people in Africa where injected with Ebola to start a pandemic. See list of pandemics caused by vaccines on universal peace.edublogs.org
Words miss pronounced by the Julie speech engine:
D population is pronounced as D populatia.
Can knee ma lab is pronounced as key ma lab.
The abbreviation doctor is pronounced as drive.
The abbreviation UN is sometimes pronounced as Union.
Thiomersal is pronounced as Thimerosal which is another vaccine ingredient without the brain neuron degeneration cuasing agent Mercury.
We are in control which is why they can not control us.
Scientist Working on Gov't Ebola Drug Joked About Culling Population with GMO Virus YOUTUBE
by TRUTHstreammedia1 month ago 67,471 views
Its a sin. Its Us in Iraq. Us in Afghanistan. Us in Ukraine. And so on.
Isis, I sins, whatever. Religion is slavery for the mind, religion is an illusion to quote Freud.
MF-59? M I H 17?
Its important to remember Ebola is mutating so the Ebola strains in the vaccines can not be the same as the mutated strain. But, we can pretend that it is.
O lay.
Kill switch on, the only 1.
People are futile, domestics is the idea they sent.
The government may turn of the tap water to prevent people from flushing the toilet so the Ebola cant spread. How else are they gonna deepopulate to 500 mil? Slow kill Ebola vaccines and home quarantines? B F S A, Kill switch, legal immunity for genocidal pharmaceutical companies.
To get a fair tiral.
Please mail me if you have a list of safe countries during an ebola pandemic. Agenda 21, Executive Orders, Marshall law.
World help paedo's organisation.
G I M P. Agenda 20 lost. B F S A wal. Illegal immunity. The kill witch. The end. A A A.
They will list.
Doctor no end. Bond. James Bundibugyo.
Ebola: what is it and how does it spread?
Via congress.
13-9-2014 22:10
At the moment I think Ebola can not become a global pandemic because in western countries Bio Safety Level 4 quarantine protocols are observed usually.
So then it can only become a pandemic if:
1) People are injected with ebola strains that can not be the mutated type of Ebola.
2) Faulty tests that can not show a positive for the mutated strain are used.
3) Bio Safety Level 4 quarantine protocols are not observed.
4) Borders of infected countries with direct flights to the U S and other countries listed on my blog stay open.
5) Ebola patients are misdiagnosed with Malaria or other diseases with symptoms similar to Ebola which is not common in any European countries nor the America's.
The genetically altered ingredients of the vaccines may have an incubation period built in and could form a binary weapon. Besides that the vaccines can contain other slow kill ingredients such as the brain neuron degeneration causing agent Mercury which was renamed Thiomersal for this purpose.
See list of pandemics caused by vaccinations and Bill and Melinda Gates’ polio vaccine campaign in India caused 47,500 cases of paralysis and death.
“In 2011 there were an extra 47500 new cases of NPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis]. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Through this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated.”
The Oral Polio Vaccines were given to Indian children. The CDC dropped the OPV from its vaccine schedule in the US because it was causing polio.
Off cause there is lots of useful information on my new blog people can use also if Ebola does not become a global pandemic.
Whether Ebola can become a global pandemic depends on how many people travel out of Africa to uninfected countries where Bio Safety Level 4 quarantine procedures are not followed.
I do not fear Ebola because it can be killed with Colloidal Silver. This makes clear slow kill vaccines and home quarantines should be avoided. Home quarantines would lead to the situation where uninfected people are locked in with infected Ebola patients thus making it impossible for them to survive.
Life viruses can be in genetically modified food, insects, vaccines, tabwater and chemtrails.
Anybody checking?
Serious respiratory virus hits 10 states, including Ga.
WXIA-TV ?- 4 days ago
Enterovirus 68 Is A Lie!!! There Is A Lot More To This! Symptoms Change For Ebola???
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 14:40
(Before It's News)
Our children are at serious risk! The cause of the mysterious Enterovirus might be in the vaccines! According to Natural News: Almost all of the kids who are infected with ev-d68 have had their vaccinations! Why? We know the truth behind the vaccinations! We just need to know why this seems planned, and why they are changing the symptoms of Ebola to basic types of common illness!
The entire medical system is clueless as to why this virus is spreading so quickly! Why is is having such an effect on the US. The outbreak just gets weirder by the day!
I D 68 colloidal silver is the only cure.
Q: What are the symptoms of EV-D68 infection?
A: EV-D68 can cause mild to severe respiratory illness.
Mild symptoms may include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, and body and muscle aches.
Most of the children who got very ill with EV-D68 infection in Missouri and Illinois had difficulty breathing, and some had wheezing. Many of these children had asthma or a history of wheezing.
C D C changed the list of symptoms for Ebola at about the same time the EV-D68 cases started to pop up.
14 09 2014 C D C listed the following Ebola symptoms:
Symptoms of Ebola typically include
Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain
Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure to ebolavirus, although 8-10 days is most common.
08 09 2014 C D C listed the following Ebola symptoms:
Symptoms of Ebola HF typically include:
Fever Ebola & D68 symptom
Joint and muscle aches Ebola & D68 symptom
Stomach pain
Lack of appetite
Some patients may experience:
A Rash
Red Eyes
Cough Ebola & D68 symptom
Sore throat
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing Ebola & D68 symptom
Difficulty swallowing
Bleeding inside and outside of the body
So, when we compare the old, bigger C D C list of Ebola symptoms to their D68 symptoms list we find 4 symptoms that are used to diagnose both Ebola and D68 patients as such: Cough, fever and joint and muscle aches (body and muscle aches for D68), difficulty breathing (wheezing for D68), 5 if you also count sore throat.
Could D68 have been introduced to keep (media) attention away from Ebola patients with similar symptoms? To create a global pandemic?
The questions keep piling up, much like the death toll. The death toll we are told is two to three times more than what is being said by the WHO. Given the information above about how vaccinated children are generally the ones who are sick with Enterovirus 68. What is in the vaccination they want us to take soon for Ebola. The WHO is planning something with all of this, the question is WHAT?! Well, the powers that be have an agenda to kill most of the population with only 500,000,000 remaining people. Is this going to play a part in that, you bet. This is the worst outbreak in history and there is no end in sight to the Ebola Pandemic.
As far as the children who are sick, they are being taken to the hospital and treated. The question is why is mainstream media calling this a pandemic for an off spring of the common cold? yes, obviously the children come first, but what else is going on here?! Remember, Obama signed into law that anybody with respiratory illnesses needs to be detained and examined. Did they know the Enterovirus 68 was going to come out again? We all have questions, and the poor children are paying the price for people’s ignorance of vaccination. There are serious life threatening diseases in the vaccination and it is not safe for our kids to be required to take them. The fact that the mainstream is also not pushing immune boosting vitamin D, C, B; is something to question as well. Vitamins help with in-numerous diseases, try it before you go to the hospital! According to CNN this is just the “Tip of the Iceberg” do your best to try and prevent it with vitamins!
With all of the cases stacking up it has to make us all wonder is this how Ebola is going to affect the US?, without the death rate?
It all depends on the treatment the patients recieve. If the patient gets a slow kill vaccine that can not have the same Ebola strains as the mutated Ebola strains the same patient has, the tests are to unreliable and people fly into the states from effected countries the effect on the U S can still be tremendous and horrendous despite the psychobama trolls new laws.
Quote treatment unquote.
All these kids need to be taking Nano Silver, the only patented, proven silver on the market today, for more info, go to: http://healthyagain.ca
To order nano silver, go to http://drrimaknows.com http://drrimaknows.com/shop.asp
This is life saving info.
Single 16oz. (0.47 liter) bottle of nano silver special price $24,97
Cum. On cold symptoms. Use silver.
Have they tested the D68 patients for Ebola? How can the test be reliable if the Ebola virus is mutating rapidly?
The new symptoms of Ebola are so common, there are so many diseases that have the exact symptoms Ebola has that it is almost impossible to diagnose American Ebola patients as such, doctors just do not expect any Americans to have Ebola and it is possible that none of them do at the moment.
Because the list of Ebola symptoms of the C D C has become shorter it has become much harder if not impossible for doctors to properly diagnose Ebola patients as such without an effective reliable test.
14 09 2014 9:39
At the moment I think their planned slow kill ebola vaccine home quarantine deepopulation to 500 million can not be prevented again, especially because the symptoms of Ebola resemble the symptoms of many diseases, the borders of infected countries are kept open and the virus is mutating fast and the Jesuit infant eaters have planned this democide thoroughly with illegal laws (B F S A, kill switch) and concentration camps with incinerator ovens and humane guillotines.
New Who Order why?
A lay in L A. Or in the allie. Okay.
Nobody can kill the people that are going to deepopulate the earth because they are brain scanned and controlled with scalar torture. So we need the help from the people with scalar weapons, a Tesla plasma shield to take out the people involved in treason and deepopulation if there is no other way to prevent a global home quarantine slow kill ebola vaccine democide and illegal laws such as the B F S A and kill switch are null and void.
Press charges yawl!
This Ebola virus may have been designed to wipe out 7 billion people with Oracle software (programs called Daylight and Promise).
Bondingbug. Yo!
In may and june about three ebola patients died daily. In july 10 per day, in augus 27 per day on average. From the first to the third of september 100 deaths per day and on september 4th 197 ebola deaths per day. An exponential increase of the death rate. If this growth of Ebola deaths does not speed up, which it does in reality, than end october, in six weeks from now there will be about 40,000 ebola deaths and by the end of this year the number of ebola deaths will be 150,000.
Clearly more than the official estimates. And than 2015 has not even begun.
Translation from: http://www.klokkenluideronline.is/2014/09/telegraaf-ebola-komt-van-vleerhonden
By the end of this year the number of ebola deaths will be 150,000 If this growth of Ebola deaths does not speed up, which it does in reality,.
Info for Dutch readers:
ulrichbchoffmann zegt: 14 september, 2014 om 12:22
http://ulrich b c hoffmann.wix.com/ebo lag
De voornaamste ontvolkingsmethoden zullen thuis quarantaines en slow kill Ebola vaccin's zijn omdat het Ebola virus maar 55% van de geinfecteerden doodt.
Het nieuwe Ebola virus is gecreeerd in een lab.
De symptomen van het virus lijken steeds meer op de symptomen van veel voorkomende ziektes omdat het C D C het aantal symptomen heeft verklijnd om te ontvolken en ook om de symptomen minder op die van EV-D68 te laten lijken wat nu in de V S de ronde doet.
Het vaccine zal drie Ebola strengen bevatten die niet hetzelfde kunnen zijn als die van het nieuwe Ebola virus omdat het snel aan het muteren is. Natuurlijk zullen er ook veel andere slow kill ingredienten in zitten zoals genetisch gemodificeerde organismen met een incubatieperiode en Thiomersal wat kwik is en brein neuron degeneratie veroorzaakt.
De grenzen van Nederland moeten dicht voor mensen die uit geinfecteerde landen komen zodra B S L 4 quarantaine in Nederland niet meer kan worden toegepast (zodra de ziekenhuizen vol zijn).
Vaccinatie moet natuur lijk vrijwillig blijven omdat colloidaal zilver bewezen effectief is volgens D O D. De Rothschilds hebben de grenzen van geinfecteerde landen in Africa open gegooid.
Zie Hoe u een Ebola pandemie kunt voorkomen EN overleven en bewijzen voor wat hierboven staat:
Thiomersal valt in het lichaam uiteen in ethylkwik en thiosalicylaat. O lee
„In mei en juni overleden gemiddeld drie ebolapatiënten per dag, in juli gemiddeld tien per dag, in augustus gemiddeld 27 per dag. Van 1 tot en met 3 september gemiddeld 100 per dag en op 4 september 197 per dag. Een exponentiële versnelling van de sterfte. Wanneer deze groei niet verder versnelt, zullen er eind oktober, dus over zes weken van nu, zo’n 40.000 ebolapatiënten zijn overleden en eind van dit jaar 150.000. Dat is aanzienlijk meer dan de officiële schattingen.” En dan moet 2015 nog beginnen
Ebola gate.
Het rampentampenplan.
Spuit eruit!
Ebola Outbreak Connected To
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
and George Soros

How Ebola spreads. The Jesuits!