Ebola is patented. Infinite uses for it, so its great.
It. Is not helping us. We are the only ones that are helping us. Our. Selves.
Loose a Vriluminati.
It: the beast and or quantum computers that control peoples brain waves, thoughts and emotions.
T K M Ebola has the nah no death chip. They will attempt to make it mandatory world wide to deepopulate to 500 million. T K M Ebola is what many people call the mark of the Beast.
Lipid nanotechnology.
At the moment the situation is that people are helping to exterminate themselves and are helping to exterminate others by doing what the Jesuit child eaters want them to do because they know they will be killed any way and if they help exterminate themselves and spread lies they may be tortured less. Some help to spread lies like its not airborne and the vaccine is harmless and effective unknowingly because they are brain controlled. Survival is all, death is not an option. So try to do the opposite of what the perpetrators that send illegal voice to skull messages in your heads want you to do. They pretend they are helping you but they want to kill you in reality.
The perpetrators are attacking me with the fainting beam to make me feel extremely tired. They also use artificial fear, they make the victim shake with fear literally by controlling muscle movement to silence the victims to reduce the worlds global population, not with ebola but slow kill Ebola vaccines (T K M Ebola) and home quarantines (starvation). They have been doing this torture for a long time now, about a month or 2. As always, they want the victims to believe there are other causes and use the cause that the victim would believe based on its brain map.
Militare ray. Love. Real love.
Facts that make clear people are attempting to create a pandemic deliberately:
1) Numerous book quotes of people that would like to see the worlds global population reduced to 500 million.
2) Numerous illegal laws and documents that prove beyond any reasonable doubt your government is now genocidal, the kill switch, N D A A (european version E A W), Agenda 21 and B F S A labelling all U S citizens as enemy combatents and potential unfriendlies that are shot at if they leave their house during the home quarantine phase. The military have a blue transponder so they are not shot at by the drones and other military.
3)The borders of infected countries have not been closed and people have been home quarantined, healthy people locked up in their house with Ebola patients. This is to guarantee a fast spread of Ebola to create a global Ebola pandemic.
4) The C D C has reduced the number of symptoms to diagnose Ebola so the symptoms of Ebola are indistinguishable from many other common diseases such as influenza.
5) Military have been sent into contaminated areas which would be deadly if they do not wear a Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) in contaminated areas because this new fastly mutating Ebola strain is airborne. The equipment the military will get to protect themselves has not been written about on line.
6) In stead of colloidal silver which has scientifically been proven to kill the Ebola virus effectively rushed through experimental vaccines of which the long term effects have not been tested at all have been tested on people in Western countries in stead of on people with Ebola in Africa.
7) Genocidal pharmaceutical companies and Monsanto have been granted legal immunity so they can not be held responsible if everyone dies from the T K M Ebola vaccine with genetically modified ingredients after a year or two. Again: long term effects of these rushed through experimental slow kill Ebola vaccines have not been proven or at least they pretend they have not been and can not be because it is a new vaccine. They have called the Z Mapp vaccine a secret serum because the Jesuits have an effective serum themselves, see Global 2000 Club Of Rome book quote on this blogs homepage for an overview of the Global 2000 scenario they are using to deepopulate the earth.
Our forces are going. To bring. Ebola home.
U S ready to take the lead in Ebola flight.
Waiting for pictures of U S millilitary quote treating unquote ebola patients to see if they get proper equipment like a Powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR pope). Ebola is a patented biological weapon okay?
High throughput, Lucifer aids based reverse genetics systems.
What I write is based on facts, logic and empirical data apart from the sometimes sarcastic remarks.
From the Infowars article:
This is not some plot for a fictional novel
In the upcoming martial law scenario, the use of foreign, UN troops will be employed. The ground work for this development has already taken place.
This certainly does explain the use of foreign troops who will not hesitate to fire upon American citizens and resistant American soldiers. All of my military sources believe that a military led uprising is the only way to avoid the decent into martial law once the crackdown happens. The trigger event will be mandatory vaccinations coupled with the quarantining of segments of the population.
The U N Security Council resolution on Ebola refers to the Global Health Security Agenda and the International Health Regulations (2005), the basis for global plans for mass forced vaccination and quarantine.
Residents of Guinea’s second-biggest city rioted after a market was sprayed, claiming the teams were spreading the Ebola virus.
This is all too plausible given the documented cases of the US military spraying US cities with bacterial fog, causing multiple deaths
September 18, 2014
General: Sending military to fight Ebola ‘misuse’ of soldiers
Ex-Delta Force commander stresses ‘great risk’ of infection
Even with precautions such as centers where the soldiers can be sterilized and cleaned, Boykin emphasized the risk, not only to the health of the U.S. military deployed to Liberia but also to civilians back in the United States.
“Then, let’s say two or three soldiers in a battalion get Ebola. What are you going to do with them?” he asked. “Obviously, you’re going to have to bring them back to the United States.”
WHO: only 2,622 deaths from Ebola
WHO has published its latest Ebola bulletin, the Ebola Response Roadmap Situation Report, 18 September 2014, showing Ebola cases have dropped in Guinea, stayed more or less the same in Liberia and risen only slightly in Sierra Leone.
UK government employee is the first volunteer for UK government-funded Ebola vaccine: conflict of interest?
The untested Ebola vaccine has already gone into mass production with 10,000 doses being manufactured by the British pharmaceuticul company GlaxoSmithKline, funded by the Wellcome Trust and the UK government, both of which are also supporting the Oxford trial.
W T F? Why are these rushed through vaccines of which the long term effects have not been tested tested on uninfected English people? Why don't they test them on Ebola patients in Africa? Is it because they know the vaccine can not be effective?
Dozens of Children Dead After U N Gives Tainted Vaccine in “Rebel” Held Syria
September 17, 2014
Foreign Policy: Medical NATO teams should be inserted into countries to provide Ebola drugs without consent of governments
September 17, 2014
Could we soon see a situation where a medical NATO teams are inserted into a country “to directly provide treatment drugs and implement prevention measures without political interference from a country in which an outbreak was happening?”
Foreign policy thinks its a good idea and models already exist:
“This “medical NATO,” so to speak, would consist of a coalition of countries that would recruit specialty teams — comprised of doctors, nurses, and others — from respective national health agencies and systems. The alliance would appoint a doctor-in-chief, and all participating countries would jointly develop operational plans and conduct rehearsal exercises.
The teams would be deployed upon the WHO’s declaration of a global health emergency.
Models of the operational capacity needed to build a medical NATO already exist across international organizations.”
September 16, 2014
The U.S. military will deploy about 3,000 troops to West Africa to build Ebola treatment centers and train health-care workers, US officials announced today.
The deployment of US soldiers comes in the run up to a mass Ebola vaccination campaign as the production of untested emergency-use Ebola vaccines accelerates.
U N extends military mandate to Liberia
September 16, 2014
Yes, because the goal of the Jesuits is to deepopulate to 500 million and the strain of Ebola now spreading in Africa kills only 55% of the infected people. So home quarantines (starvation) and slow kill ebola vaccines will be needed for that.
Nato troops begin exercises in the Ukraine
September 15, 2014
September 15, 2014
The death of Dr Olivet Buck after the WHO refused to fly her out of Sierra Leone is not just wrong: it’s making the Ebola epidemic worse
Are they planning to use bioenginnered Ebola on the Americans? Asks the Examiner
September 15, 2014
US Department of Defence (USAMRIID) & Tulane University Released Bioengineered Airborne Ebola/Lassa Hybrid in Sierra Leone
September 15, 2014
The claim that the Ebola virus has been bioegioneered to become a new hybrid respiratory illness allowing for airborne human-to-human transmission rings true.
In 2009, Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of the seasonal flu vaccine with the deadly bird flu in its biosecurity level 3 facilities in Austria creating a combination which would have allowed for the airborne transmission of the deadly virus between humans.
“The primary Ebola strain being spread right now (as their are 2) was bioengineered by the US Department of Defense (via USAMRIID) & Tulane University with the knowledge/help from pharma/biotech giants such as Monsanto, Alnylam, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, Pfizer and a much smaller pharma company based out of Canada called Tekmira. A known Ebola strain from Central-Africa was used as the base, and was bioengeneered to become a new hybrid respiratory illness (a combination of Ebola Virus & Lassa Hemorrhagic Fever, weaponized via Tulane University & USAMRIID at Fort Detrick) making it become a genetic variant of the original strain. This bioengineered hybrid allowed for airborne human-to-human transmission, an extended incubation period (to increase spread/threat), and a slightly toned down virility (to have the ideal initial wanted mortality rate (~40%)).”
You all can Skype me: prologic 9 9 9, skype name: prologic nine hundred ninetee nine.
Bill Gates polio vaccine programme caused 47,500 cases of paralysis and death in India in 2011 alone
September 15, 2014
September 20, 2014
If one thinks that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) are merely tax-supported guardians at the gate protecting the public’s health and welfare, then one is seriously deluded and naive. These two rogue organizations are proving to be as greedy, cunning and evil as Goldman Sachs and they, as well as Bill Gates, are preparing to usher in an Ebola pandemic accompanied by mandatory vaccinations and quarantines enforced through the use of lethal force.
September 20, 2014
The latest scandal from GSK, embroiled in multi million dollar compensation claims over narcolepsy caused by its swine flu jab (Telegraph).
G S K fined for falsifying parental consent forms and killing 14 babies in vaccine trials in Argentina
G S K forced to pay a $ 3 billion fine in the USA for illegal drug marketing, including promoting a drug known to cause suicidal behaviour in children:
G S K fined 490 million dollars in China for bribery:
And now found to have released 45 liters of live polio virus into a city waterworks.
The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) released an assessment on Monday of the accidental release of more than 11 gallons of concentrated live poliovirus into the environment in Belgium.
GlaxoSmithKline released the polio into the water in the city of Rixensart on Sept. 2.
“Inoculations are the true weapons of mass destruction,
causing an epidemic of genocide”
Rebecca Carley, MD
Court Qualified Expert in vaccine Induced Diseases
I think the American soldiers in Ebola infected countries will get Powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) otherwise it would be murder.
I think this new designed Ebola strain will last forever.
Have the soldiers sent to Africa been immunized?
George Soros
Member: Council on Foreign Relations
Member: Carlyle Group
Major Stockholder: Halliburton
Hungarian Jew: Socialist-Communist
Financial Backer of Barack Hussein Obama
Friend of Rupert Murdoch
Freemasonic Jewish Labor Zionist
“Court Jew for the Pope”
Jesuit bankers:
*Akerlof taught at Jesuit-sponsored, Fabian socialist, London School of Economics.
*Akerlof is a member of the non-profit New York think tank, Institute for New Economic Thinking. “Papal Court Jew” George Soros is a co-founder of I.N.E.T. having donated $50 million to start the think tank in 2009.
And who are Obama’s open and visible handlers? why they are two prominent, Freemasonic Jews—White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior Adviser David Axelrod as well as several other Jews connected to the Pope’s Council on Foreign Relations! Fox News is steadily blaming these two Jews for the socialist-communist, performance of Obama—never mentioning Biden whatsoever!
If you are receiving this data you are the N S A, and or the resistance.
At the time of the attacks, Breivik was a member of the Lodge of St. Olaf at the Three Columns in Oslo and had displayed photographs of himself in partial Masonic regalia on his Facebook profile. Breivik took part in a total of four meetings between his initiation in February 2007 and his exclusion from the order – one each to receive the first, second and third degree, and one other meeting. (wiki)
The 9th Circle cult that was preparing to sacrifice children in Montreal has been involved in murdering children in many locations. They have been witnessed hunting down naked teens for sport, killing them, and then cutting off the boys' penises. Witnesses place George Soros at one event. http://itccs.org/2014/07/14/whos-really-behind-child-trafficking-following-the-big-money-across-the-globe
“I was there, I saw the whole thing. I was told they were kids from the juvenile detention centres in Brussels. They were let loose naked in the forest and hunted down and shot. The killers included Prince Friso of Holland and his wife’s friend, the billionaire George Soros, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Prince Albert of Belgium. After they shot down the young ones they cut off the boys’ penises and held them up like trophies, cheering and applauding.”
Both men who brought Ebola to Nigeria have links to Soros funded Ecowas (pronounced eco was)
September 4, 2014
The two men who have been instrumental in bringing Ebola to Nigeria had close ties with Ecowas.
Ecowas is funded by a George Soros foundation. Another George Soros foundation OISWA is calling for a special Ecowas envoy to be appointed to take charge of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Ecowas paid for the ticket of the sick airline passenger, Patrick Sawyer, who spread Ebola virus to Nigeria when he flew from Liberia to Lagos on Jul 20.
One of Sawyer’s close contacts in Lagos, Ibukun Koye the Head of the ECOWAS Liaison Office in Lagos, escaped from quarantine on the day Swayer died, and went to Port Harcourt, Nigeria”s oil hub, where he infected a doctor whom he deceived. The doctor and his wife have died but others have been infected.
The Ecowas official recovered – if he was ever sick – but could face manslaughter charges.
It may be a coincidence that these two men were aided and abetted by Ecowas in their singular efforts to spread Ebola to one of the world’s most popular cities, Lagos, and beyond. But it might be a sign that Ecowas , with all the advantages of a diplomatic
organization when it comes to travel, is a front for bioterrorism using humans as weapons. Given George Soros’ involvement in Ecowas, my tip is the later.
The 9th Circle cult that was preparing to sacrifice children in Montreal has been involved in murdering children in many locations. They have been witnessed hunting down naked teens for sport, killing them, and then cutting off the boys' penises. Witnesses place George Soros at one event. http://itccs.org/2014/07/14/whos-really-behind-child-trafficking-following-the-big-money-across-the-globe
“I was there, I saw the whole thing. I was told they were kids from the juvenile detention centres in Brussels. They were let loose naked in the forest and hunted down and shot. The killers included Prince Friso of Holland and his wife’s friend, the billionaire George Soros, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, and Prince Albert of Belgium. After they shot down the young ones they cut off the boys’ penises and held them up like trophies, cheering and applauding.”
I am a cannibola.
We control all beings.
N W ho.
Trust nothing. No one is who he or she seems to be.
Hypermutation: bye per mutation.
How many people from Ebola countries flew to uninfected countries?
They have admitted its mutating so they can not guarantee its not airborne.
Gorilla's in the mist it. Just D I.
You can still collect clean air at the moment. Some people sell it in bars in Japan at the moment.
Chemtrail droplet size. It just came to me.
Yes we can sarpa.
Because the Ebola virus out there is only 7 genomes in size (pure R N A) it might pass through gasmasks so to be safe you would need a respirator or Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Diving gear could be used, it would be excellent in combination with air tight goggles.
HEPA filters like the 3M 2091 P100 Particulate Filters will stop everything down to .3 microns 99.99% of the time with a properly fitted mask. This is the best lung protection you can get without resorting to an SCBA or an ambient air pump.
In general, ebolavirions are 80 nm in width, but vary somewhat in length. In general, the median particle length of ebolaviruses ranges from 974 to 1,086 nm (in contrast to marburgvirions, whose median particle length was measured at 795–828 nm), but particles as long as 14,000 nm have been detected in tissue culture
With: 80 nm = 0.08 micron
Length: about 1000 nm = 1 micron
So theoretically the Ebola virus is able to penetrate a P100 filter which quote will stop everything down to .3 microns. The with of the ebola virions is about 0.08 micron, so almost 4 ebola virions would fit through one of the tiny holes in the filter that are necessary to breathe air without scuba gear or compressed air. When I google respirator I almost do not see any compressed air equipment.
A p100 filter is much better than most face masks however. Wearing one is better than wearing none. At least use colloidal silver. Compressed air is best to rule out infection completely.
Because of its length it would still be hard if not impossible for the Ebola virus to get through the p100 filter. Tests must be done.
Trust no thing. Trust no one.
Nothing something or everything is what it seems.
Test everything you learn.
Its harpah. Diagnose. Is.
Class. If vacation.
Difference. Yawl. Treat.
In dick. At it.
Exper. I mental.
Pro g nose is. Preppeedemi eulogy.
Dia. Gnosis.
Class if I classify. The friends you all treaty. Unmanned. In D cage it. In thee okay dead. Expire emmental. Pro rock no sister. Eppee the me eulogy.
First dont know harm.
The fans quote Intelligence Agency unquote.
My dick fly.
Gates has announced that he plans to vaccinate every child in the third world with multiple vaccines, which could result in a dramatic population reduction of 10-15%. Do you realize the enormous profits that can be realized by vaccinating every child in the third world? If we apply Gates’ penchant for investing in causes which produce a hefty “return on investment” (ROI) then one could reasonably suspect that Gates is positioning himself to profit on the $50 million he has invested in the Ebola cause which conveniently includes the CDC, the holder of the patent for Ebola.
Nano silver (pronounced nah no silver)
DOD already proved Nano Silver kills viruses in 2009. Nano Silver at 10 PPM was the most effective agent at killing the virus. When 10 PPM Nano Silver was applied, all of the Ebola Virus was killed (None of its genetic material remained, compared to the other nano materials) showing total viral kill.
DTRA’s research was carried out specifically on Ebola Virus as well as other deadly hemorrhagic
(bleeding-inducing) and deadly viruses. The results were the same: Nano Silver at 10 PPM was the
most effective agent at killing the virus
Silver is not out of use, it's in every hospital and pharmacy in our country in some form or another. The turning blue bullshit is standard disinfo. How many cases of blue people were there ever? A handful...EVER documented. They all took unpure silver and unpurified water.
How many people got manboobs from an FDA approved drug on the other hand? Here ya go.
FDA doesn't want you to know the cure.
TPTB just want to give you the vaccines, make a lot of money and insert those nano chips and nano bots in the vaccines and into your body.
Just google nanobots in vaccines.
3,000 “Ebola Martyrs” Warned Ready To Strike America
A new report released in the Kremlin today by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is stating that the reason(s) for President Obama’s “mysterious and unscheduled” return to the White House this weekend is due the United States facing an “apocalyptic attack” from an estimated 3,000 “Ebola Martyrs” who are already in America and warned are “ready to strike”.
According to this report, SVR intelligence analysts became aware of the attack planned by these “Ebola Martyrs” against the US from their “monitoring” of a Islamic State (IS) [also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)] terror cell operating out of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia located in Washington D.C.
In the past few weeks, this report continues, this IS terror cell has had “total freedom of movement” around Washington D.C. with no US intelligence service monitoring of them and have brazenly taken and posted photos of their:
1.) flag pinned to the White House fence and
2.) One of their operatives holding a letter against the backdrop of a US government building that reads:
“Soldiers of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria will pass from here soon,” followed by a Koran verse that reads, “and Allah is perfecting His Light even though the disbelievers hate (that).”
What better way could there be to manage a massive depopulation than a fake outbreak, with the real disease being in mandated shots, peddled as vaccines that are supposed to protect?3rd degree burns on arm, not ebola?
With the relatively new directed energy scalar weapons such as Haarp it is easy to burn peoples skin. These scalar weapons can even clone disease patterns because everything is energy.
Scalar technology does exist as proven by Doctor Meyl: its just Nikola Tesla's wireless energy.
See universalpeace.jimdo.com for videos of scalar orbs a k a Foo Fighters making crop circles and flying next to the Concorde.
You know what the future holds now? It is something FAR MORE SPOOKY than any micro drone - it is the brain eating phage, specifically engineered to eat your emotional neurons and render you incapable of free will. I have been told (long ago, in 2010) it is being developed as a vaccine additive to be administered under strict controls and not be something that can survive outside the body, because that certain six pointed group of individuals has the same genetics as the rest of us, so they have no doubt made it certain that their own weapon cannot leap out of the wild and haunt them.
READ THE FOLLOWING REPORT CLOSELY: It is OBVIOUS the Gardasil vaccine is not for Papaloma, it is for attacking the emotional centers, and the following report PROVES IT.
Phage cage on.
New Ebola vaccine will be worthless (jimstonefreelance.com)
With 368 mutations already found, there will be no vaccine that will work. Any pushing of an ebola vaccine will be for something other than providing immunity for Ebola, and for anyone who is aware of the recent CDC bust of vaccine links to autism, that "other" is not likely to be good.
It may not even be Ebola at all, and is likely to instead be some sort of engineered hybrid.
Prior to this outbreak, Ebola had a very high genetic stability and remained unchanged through multiple outbreaks. In fact, Ebola has been so stable that it was considered remarkable for this. Why then, with this outbreak, are there so many mutations of this new type, when in past outbreaks NO mutations have been noted at all?
Additionally, this new outbreak has none of the characteristics of previous outbreaks
There is something missing in this Ebola outbreak, and it is the bloody eyes and ears, and bleeding through the skin. This time all the bleeding is internal and nothing shows outwardly. All the bloody blistered skin photos on the web are from previous outbreaks, with this particular strain people look outwardly normal up until death and die from internal bleeding, vomiting up blood and having massive stools of black goo from internal bleeding. In this way, the new Ebola is mimicking Parvo in dogs, and I would at least tenuously bet that traditional Ebola has been merged in a lab with a different virus that is known for causing only internal bleeding, possibly parvo.
368 mutations in a previously stable virus screams BIO LAB
This is where things may go amiss. Previously, Ebola was a stable virus that could have had a predictable cure. The current strain is mutating so rapidly that if all the recorded cases were added up and divided by the number of mutations, each mutated strain would have only infected an average of 20 people. That is a phenomenal mutation rate, which will render any vaccine attempt useless.
And how could it have happened other than willful intent? The answer is obvious - a lab created this new strain, that lab did not have endless people to kill to prove their virus stable and they just let it go in live tests, out in the wild. And because it was not stable, they now have a mutating monster on the loose. That is the best explanation there could possibly be for why Ebola, which has remained stable as far back as records go, suddenly became a chameleon. This new bug is an unstable bioweapon, possibly more unstable than its creators intended.
Beware of history rewrites, which will provide plausible deniability for whoever did this
Watch out for any news saying how Ebola mutates continuously without mentioning that prior to this outbreak Ebola was VERY STABLE, and question strongly WHY this new strain is so different from past strains, from outward symptoms, to incubation times, to mutation rates, it is all far too different for this to have happened naturally in a formerly stable virus. Someone did this and the question WHO DID THIS should be kept front and center until we get the answer. We know an American biowarfare firm was in this area "testing Ebola detection kits", I suggest people start with that.
There are very few pictures of people infected with this new strain, and none show the normal bleeding. Why?
Take a look at a google image search with all photos dated a year or more old, and compare them to a google image search of pictures dated to within the time frame of THIS OUTBREAKAND NOTICE THAT EVERYTHING OUT THERE FOR THIS OUTBREAK THAT IS RECOGNIZABLE AS EBOLA IS JUST A REPEAT OF OLD EBOLA PICTURES with anything new just showing people without any blisters.
Almost all of what we are seeing is body bags which show NOTHING, with all other pictures showing none of the classic symptoms. The picture to the left is a prime example, this man who reportedly is an Ebola victim is showing NOTHING that would indicate he ever had Ebola at all. So why is this so different? People in Africa could certainly publish pictures to the web, why then is all we are seeing is pictures of something that is obviously not normal ebola? Pictures dated to before this outbreak clearly show what ebola looks like, I challenge you to find any photo at all from this new outbreak that looks even remotely similar to traditional ebola.
The symptoms say it all
Here are the symptoms from the current strain,
•Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
•Severe headache
•Muscle pain
•Abdominal (stomach) pain
•Lack of appetite
In other words, the current symptoms mimic the flu (except for the noted internal bleeding this outbreak has). Now for the classic ebola symptoms:
"After 3-4 days of non-specific symptoms and signs, patients typically experienced progressively severe sore throat, developed a maculopapular rash, had intractable abdominal pain, and began to bleed from multiple sites, principally the gastrointestinal tract. "
And the pictures of this current outbreak prove the classic ebola is not what we are dealing with this time around. The biggest thing in common is gastrointestinal bleeding.
Recovery times also indicate this new ebola is more like a souped up flu than ebola
Usually, with ebola, recovery takes months and sometimes never happens completely because the liver, kidneys and other organs including the brain get damaged. Yet we see in the media pictures of ebola "survivors" that are up and about only two weeks after having it. This is not possible with real ebola, this outbreak really is more like a really bad flu than anything else
The bottom line is that the symptoms are not consistent with classic ebola. Recovery times are too fast, and the current CDC list of symptoms does not match the old list except when the CDC combines the new list with the old list to muddy the water. Something is amiss with this, and the new vaccine can only be bogus with so many mutated variants. There is no way any vaccine can be real, we are dealing with a bioweapon this time around which makes that impossible, avoid any "vaccine" like you would the disease itself.
The year 2014 was added to the Georgia Guidestones
You have probably heard of them - the "guidestones" which state in multiple languages that world population must be maintained at 500 million. WELL, here is something spooky - in 2009 a small section was cut out of the English guidestone, and recently 2014 was inserted into the cut out section. Could this be the year they begin culling the herd?
Read more HERE
Sep 19 2014
I hit severe resistance posting the following, they destroyed the original, I think I NAILED IT:
We all know the FEMA camps are real, yet the camps are sitting empty because the NWO/Agenda 21 crowd has concluded the American people are too well armed to take by force. But what if they avoid force by instead using a false flag disease with a huge mortality rate to provide plausible grounds for freedom loving patriots vanishing? Would that work to cull the herd without creating a raging stampede?
Could this "outbreak" really be a ruse to provide plausible cover for the murder of millions if not billions of people the NSA has already profiled as being not desirable in the New World Order? The lack of photographic proof of any outbreak strongly suggests this may be the case.
The NSA provides a profiled list of who lives and who dies to people who will go door to door vaccinating and evacuating people under the ploy of "Ebola". When these people come to your door, they make the decision who lives and dies right then and there. If you refuse a shot, off to the camps you go where you will "die from Ebola," and there will be no witnesses to say otherwise. If you are stupid and agree to the shot, and have been profiled as a patriot, your particular shot will be formulated to kill or destroy you.
I really believe this is likely to be the plan, and quite frankly cannot see it any other way. The reason is simple:
Liberia has 70 percent market penetration of cell phones, and those cell phones were used to show the police crack downs on the people with regard to this outbreak, yet those same cell phones never uploaded a single picture to the web that actually shows people with Ebola. If this "Ebola outbreak" was in any way real, there would be countless photos of the bloody stools, people bleeding from their skin, mouths and eyes, and bodies piling up yet with regard to this particular outbreak there is not a single selfie of an Ebola victim to be had, nor any other pictures of anyone who has anything even remotely close.
And there are all the stories about people who have Ebola hiding in their homes. Lots of people dying of Ebola in their homes. And 70 percent of those people have cell phones, with cameras, AND NOT ONE HOME ANYWHERE EVER SENT OUT A PICTURE. I am only saying this because a shill might say, OH, the hospitals do not allow people in to take pictures. WELL THEN, what about all the homes, where people supposedly died of this? Would they not upload photos to loved ones on Facebook? Would they not at least try to tweet about this? Obviously they would, and the fact not a single one did is obvious proof the "outbreak" is a hoax with an agenda. An Agenda 21 agenda.
What could be better for hiding the murder of millions, if not billions, than an "outbreak", to meet NWO depopulation schedules at an accelerated pace? Even just one agency - the DHS, has enough rounds of ammo to make it all happen, and in the aftermath there will be no evidence because everyone had to be cremated to "get rid of the disease". IT IS PERFECT, TOO PERFECT, FOLKS, I THINK I NAILED IT.
The shills have used photos of people shot and run over by the police enforcing the ebola scam to PROVE people are "bleeding" from Ebola, do not fall for this!
The Resistance is rising.
Unite unite unite to prevent their global planned genocide.
Eco was, eco is and eco forever shall be.
Like organic and bio.
The real threat to our future is the
T4 nanobot Bacteriophage

it is the brain eating phage, specifically engineered to eat your emotional neurons and render you incapable of free will.

Ebola Chan
If you know what this means please mail me



Stop scrolling or you will fall of the page.
This is