Ideas are bulletproof, C D roms are E M P proof.
Back this website up to cd rom with the free website copier 1.0: as evidence of premeditated democide murdering 7 billion people with slow kill vaccines:
The Georgia Guide Stones are in Atlanta.
C N N headquarters of Ted Turner who advocates a population reduction with 95% are in Atlanta.
Half a million coffins, cadaver boxes stored out in the open, are in Atlanta.
The C D C, which patented Ebola, Centers for Disease Control are in Atlanta 1600 Clifton Rd.
Classified, fasseyed, burned, they died.
Ebola catch it in a bowl, then you've got it.
There is also documented evidence that the US Department of Defence in partnership with Tekmira started to inject healthy adults with the Ebola virus in January. And a cohort, at least, of these Ebola clinical trials could have been injected in West Africa, thereby, starting the Ebola outbreak.
There is a suitable place in the form of a US bioweapons lab in Kenema hospital, which is also at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak.
Now, it has emerged that checkpoints staffed with police and health officials have been set up in Kenema. Healthy people are being taken away to the hospital and die, admits the mainstream media.
Healthy people at Ebola checkpoints in Kenema sent to death hospital
According to healthmap.org/ebola there are now, 04 10 2014, 3,381 ebola deaths.
Believing be leading whatever you want I am me.
I think we should screen people comming from infected countries and if there is no reliable ebola test we should not let them into our country to prevent a global ebola pandemic.
Treatment of patients may only be initiated if Biosafety Level 4 standards are met.
Cleeny clones.
The deadliest bio weapon is a chimera virus, a combination of two or more deadly viruses.
A chimera virus is defined by the Center for Veterinary Biologics (part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) as a "new hybrid microorganism created by joining nucleic acid fragments from two or more different microorganisms in which each of at least two of the fragments contain essential genes necessary for replication." The term chimera already referred to an individual organism whose body contained cell populations from different zygotes or an organism that developed from portions of different embryos. In mythology, a chimera is a creature such as a hippogriff or a gryphon formed from parts of different animals, thus the name for these viruses.
The Lassa lawsuit.
Imagine A Chan.
Legalize the healing herb.
Keeping the borders of infected countries open is the main technique of these committee of 300 members to create a global ebola pandemic to kill 7 billion people with slow kill T K M ebola vaccines with lipid nanotechnology (the mark of the beast), nano death chips which cause heart attacks and brain bleedings.
The long term effects of these slow kill ebola vaccines have not been proven and the big pharmaceutical companies have been granted legal immunity illegally to get away with genocide.
Margaret Chan and George Soros are committee of 300 (the subversive body of the CLUB OF ROME) members.
You can keep the borders for travel outside the country closed and allow medical help in. Locking healthy people up with Ebola victims in one house will only infect the healthy, which is their goal, illegal depopulation in violation of the Genocide Convention.
People that claim to know this strain of Ebola is not airborne are liars because it is mutating fast and may be airborne in one or more countries already. So they can not know if it is now airborne or not.
Get storable food (peanut butter and rice) and use colloidal silver with H2O2
The Resistance to the people that have planned this ebola vaccine genocide are not the terrorists. The terrorists are people that are using scientific methods to deepopulate the earth in violation of the genocide convention.
This speech engine is fine so if you have the idea this voice is unpleasant it is because you are brain controlled with synthetic telepathy (Haarp).
Die virgin.
ebola lassa chimera
2000 fort.... Detrick.
They have engineered this virus and are creating a pandemic deliberately to kill 7 billion people okay?
US Department of Defence (USAMRIID) & Tulane University Released This Bioengineered Airborne Ebola/Lassa Hybrid in Sierra Leone
Posted by jazzy800 on August 3, 2014
The primary Ebola strain being spread right now (as their are 2) was bioengineered by the US Department of Defense (via USAMRIID) & Tulane University with the knowledge/help from pharma/biotech giants such as Monsanto, Alnylam, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, Pfizer and a much smaller pharma company based out of Canada called Tekmira. A known Ebola strain from Central-Africa was used as the base, and was bioengeneered to become a new hybrid respiratory illness (a combination of Ebola Virus & Lassa Hemorrhagic Fever, weaponized via Tulane University & USAMRIID at Fort Detrick) making it become a genetic variant of the original strain. This bioengineered hybrid allowed for airborne human-to-human transmission, an extended incubation period (to increase spread/threat), and a slightly toned down virility (to have the ideal initial wanted mortality rate (~40%)).
Ebola (EBOV) – Human-to-human transmission occurs via direct contact with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person (including embalming of an infected dead person) or by contact with contaminated medical equipment, particularly needles and syringes.
[link to www.msdsonline.com]
Lassa (LASV) – Inhalation of tiny particles of infective material (aerosol) is believed to be the most significant means of exposure.
[link to www.cdc.gov]
Ebola/Lassa (EBOV/LASV) – Human-to-human transmission occurs via direct contact with blood or bodily fluids AND/ORInhalation of tiny particles of infective material (aerosol) from an infected person (including embalming of an infected dead person) or by contact with contaminated medical equipment, particularly needles and syringes.
Ebola Virus was chosen as the base virus for the hybrid due to its high mortality rate and other ideal bio-warfare properties.
Filoviruses like Ebola have been of interest to the Pentagon since the late 1970s, mainly because Ebola and its fellow viruses have high mortality rates — in the current outbreak, roughly 60 percent to 72 percent of those who have contracted the disease have died — and its stable nature in aerosol make it attractive as a potential biological weapon.
[link to www.navytimes.com]
The Sierra Leone Ebola hybrid strain (EBOV/LASV, ~40% mortality rate) is shown to have a lower mortality rate then the Guinea Ebola strain (ZEBOV, ~75% mortality rate), but is shown to instead be MUCH more human-to-human transmittable, due to it being an airborne hybrid. Basically there are 2 strains going on at the same time (75% Mortality – Ebola-Zaire) & (40% Mortality, Ebola/Lassa, airborne)).
Volume 20, Number 7—July 2014: Undiagnosed Acute Viral Febrile Illnesses, Sierra Leone
PRNT results indicated that the infecting virus was most closely related to EBOV, except for 1 SUDV-reactive patient sample. This finding was unexpected because our assumption was that any ebolavirus would more likely be TAFV, the only species described in West Africa. Although the serum samples were able to neutralize EBOV only at a low level (1:40 dilution), it is possible that the virus is an EBOV genetic variant.
[link to wwwnc.cdc.gov]
Because of these tweaks, the current strain of Ebola we should be worried about is actually a “respiratory virus” unlike any other Ebola strains that were previously known (as it is a bioengineered/weaponized hybrid). Because the US knows this airborne strain is a respiratory virus (the one that will develop into the actual Pandemic), they needed to make some last minute adjustments to their emergency pandemic protocols, which were just refined on July 31, 2014 by Barack Obama to suite the needed definition in preparation for a WHO Pandemic Level 6 Declaration (down the line).
July 31, 2014 – Executive Order — Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases
This bioengineered “respiratory” variation of the Ebola virus (EBOV/LASV) was then released via the Kenema Government Hospital Lassa Diagnostic Laboratory (Soros / Gates Foundation) in Sierra Leone by USAMRIID/Tulane University earlier this year, which used unwitting Lassa Fever Program subjects as hosts (which were made immune-carriers to the new hybrid virus they then unknowingly spread) as part of a Tulane University “Ebola testing” project being held in 3 regions of Africa (Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea, and Liberia).
Tulane University Biosafety Plan
Select Agents (SA) – Biological agents that may be used for the purposes related to bioterrorism and which are thus regulated by the Select Agent Program (42 CFR Part 72).
Bill Gates & George Soros Funding The Bioweapons Lab At The Focus of Ebola Outbreak (Youtube)
Ebola patients should not be isolated but quarantined.
on September 17, 2014 at 5:45 pm said:
You need to credit JANE BURGERMEISTER for this breaking news. She discovered about 2 months+ ago. She also saved our collective asses in 2009 with her lawsuits against BAXTER and WHO for releasing the LIVE virus to create a pandemic.
Fair is FAIR
Tekmira chimera. America.
Tekmira's Ebola chimera virus. To keep it clear.
Congress calls oversight hearing on Ebola: will repeated, outrageous breaches of biosafey rules threatening the USA go unpunished?
Israel refuses to send personnel to Ebola zone, could become infected and spread virus in Israel
October 5, 2014
“The Foreign Ministry recommended the Defense Ministry respond positively to the Americans’ request, even though it was a complex mission, which runs the risk of infection for medical crews, who would have been forced to wear full [hazmat] suits. … However, after examining the request and mission details, the Defense Ministry decided against Israel’s participation, saying there was no feasible way to provide for the safety of the Israeli doctors and medical crews, which then could return to Israel and further spread the virus.”
Note: The Sierra Leone Ebola hybrid strain (~40% mortality rate) is shown to have a lower mortality rate then the Guinea Ebola strain (~75% mortality rate), but is shown to instead be MUCH more human-to-human transmittable, due to it being an airborne hybrid (understand there are 2 strains going on at the same time, one natural (75% - Ebola), the other created (40%, Ebola/Lassa, airborne)).
The Ebola Lassa hype bread strain. The ebola lassa Tekmira Chimera!
If sahara dessert sand can reach us than that means Ebola can reach us.
NO MATTER WHAT the story, do not get vaccinated, a new bioweapon is being distributed via vaccines
Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy
Another reason why bacteriophages were chosen as prime candidates for brain and DNA modification is the fact that they are not designed to attack people to begin with, so if any make it into the wild, re infection of people who never received the tainted vaccine would be impossible – a phage would not be likely to make it through the lungs or skin and into the blood stream simply because it was never designed to breach those biological barriers. But a needle, injecting it directly into the blood stream would bypass those barriers. So the elite, who would either want us emotionally numbed, dumbed down, or genetically altered would have little to fear while being amongst their victims, even as the disease raged inside them.
These slow kill vaccines are intended to:
1. Reduce intelligence
2. Reduce life span
3. Reduce fertility
4. Cause numerous deaths
In short: to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million.
We must cheer up the super disappointed.
The real threat to our future is the T4 nanobot Bacteriophage
Self replicating nanobots in the T K M Ebola vaccine: Lipid Nano Technology designed to lobotomize the worlds global population to reduce it to 500 million.
Chimerix's Brincidofovir Given To Dallas, Nebraska Ebola Patients Forbes
Why use a vaccine when colloidal silver has been proven scientifically to kill the Ebola virus effectively including mutations because of its mechanism of action?
Nuts. They. Must. Be. Nuts!
Or they are just deepopulating the earth. Lol.
On October 6, 2014, Chimerix received an FDA authorization for emergency investigational new drug applications of brincidofovir for the treatment of Ebola virus disease. Brincidofovir was administered to the patient in the Ebola virus case in the US in 2014 (Ebola Outbreak 2014: Thomas Eric Duncan Will Be Treated) the patient, who had been in critical condition, died 4 days after brincidofovir treatment was started
Infonate. A knowledge bomb. To win the info war.
Mandatory vaccination with the slow kill T K M ebola vaccine must be prevented by any means necessary.
E R emergency room
E R Ebola Reston
E R Eric Rodger Pianka
E R Elizabeth Regina, the Latin form of Queen Elizabeth II
Air. Or.
You can still compress clean air now. It will be global, It will be airborne.
It already is, there are 2 strains that they have injected in people to create their precious ebola pandemic. Must it not be airborne to spread like it did?
Of course it is clear the C D C member Margaret Chan and George Soros are committee of 300 members that want to kill 7 billion people with slow kill vaccines. T K M Ebola.
Religion is a cancer. Religion is an abomination.
How much difference does it make.
I hope the Jesuit child eaters guilty of treason are killed or arrested or stopped at least and the psychobama troll (Barry Soetoro Davis or whatever his real name is) impeached or arrested before they kill everyone with their slow kill T K M Ebola vaccine* because they have planned to nuke after that which is also clear from the insane preemptive nuclear doctrine in violation of the Prevention of Nuclear War Agreement and their plans to deepopulate to 500 million (agenda 21, illegal B F S A, illegal kill switch and illegal martial law). Of course the Vaticans own documents proof the Jesuits eat children as part of their initiation ritual as well as 8 eye witness testimonies. So why have these Jesuits not been arrested or killed yet? 7 billion lifes will be lost if people don't do anything okay?
* Only if there is no other way to prevent a global democide.
I see a ball.
Aah! I can see it now.
Healing secured.
Imagine a scenario where Navy personnel consistently misdiagnose Ebola in healthy US soldiers, then give them Ebola in the course of so called treatment and so infect significant numbers who transport the diseases back to the USA?
Will CIA-controlled ISIS be used to launch a false flag Ebola bioterrorist act?
October 7, 2014
Share the needle, dont share your love.
C D C's strains.
Ebola needle, ebola sewer, ebola faq scene.
Google: wix ebolag W I X and ebola with the letter G attached to it.
Religion is slavery for the mind.
The quantum computer might not become almighty and it might not find a permanent cure against aging in time. If you serve the beast you are serving the people that programmed it. This is why the so called super computers also make mistakes. Which it learns faster from than humans.
Air mourn.
Prevent them from turning of our tap water.
There is no valid argument to turn it off as faeces can be decontaminated with bleach.
Ebola lassa Tekmira chimera.
Ebola is nowhere near a pandemic even if 40000 people die from it world wide.
Aids is a global pandemic
Since the start of the epidemic an estimated 36 million [30 million – 42 million] people have died of AIDS-related illnesses. 1.6 million aids deaths in 2012 alone.
It is possible this chimera virus will kill everything that lives and that the secret serum of the paedo elite that have designed this will not be effective any more after 7 billion people have died from it and it has mutated into an airborne virus more virulent than any in our past.
Knowledge = power
ulrich b c hoffmann.wix.com/ebo lag
hoffmann with double F and double N, ebola with the letter G attached to it
ulrich b c hoffmann.wix.com/ebo lag
That's how we know the vaccine is not going to be effective.
The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible.
Several Top Secret recommendations were made by Doctor Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. He advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the famous Black Death of history. This plan is a part of Global 2000.
Thats why Vitamin C works, because this virus is designed to attack the auto immune system so no vaccine can be made, this is also why it needs to mutate so fast.
But it will not be effective against the slow kill vaccine that they want to make mandatory to depopulate to 500 million.
Need I B F S A more?
Lassa assault.
Airborne. Luchtvaardig?
Just to round up everyone that supported a new world order.
Backup tool online.
Back this site up to a C D, E M P proof.
Kill cull, who careless.
I spread the information now because its still in an early stage because the amount of Ebola deaths is increasing exponentially. So I spread the most important information: TAKE COLLOIDAL SILVER and explain to others why they should take colloidal silver to eradicate Ebola before Ebola eradicates us.
A list of reasons why the vaccine can not be effective is also supplied on my ebolag.
The death of 7 billion people can only be prevented by giving everyone colloidal silver and or closing the borders of infected countries to migration.
If we do not want to die we all have to take colloidal silver.
To prevent mandatory vaccination with the deadly T K M Ebola vaccine we should tell everyone this story to make everyone use colloidal silver proven to be effective by the D O D's D T R A (Defense Threat Reduction Agency). This is the only way to prevent getting killed with vaccines because this virus was engineered (designed) in a lab: one of the 2 strains released is the Ebola Lassa Tekmira Chimera.
The long term effects of the slow kill T K M Ebola vaccine have not been tested and the genocidal companies that made it have been illegally declared legally immune.
It is vital to spread the link to my blog and this video to prevent injection with the slow kill T K M Ebola vaccine. Unite unite unite to prevent the paedo Jesuits illegal democide!
On topic: I agree with this: quarantine people that refuse Ebola screening (taking their temperature) and making everybody take Colloidal SIlver. Preventing a global Ebola pandemic is crucial to prevent the slow kill T K M ebola vaccine democide.
Please like me and spread rapidly to save your own life and the lifes of the people around you from the loonies that want to depopulate the earth in violation of the GENOCIDE CONVENTION.
Spread silver: coilloidal silver in the bird ball. Make everybody take colloidal silver. Dont stop until they take it. Also use H2O2 and Kiwi (Vitamin C).
What do you all think of making people take colloidal silver at gunpoint to prevent a global pandemic?
Ebola is an antibody dependant virus.
Nosocomial (not comparable)
(medicine, chiefly of infections or their causal agents) Arising from hospital treatment or environment.
(chiefly applied to bad results) Of, relating to, happening in a hospital.
Thank you mister Ventura for all the vital information you provide us with.
No. Suck. O. Meal.
So. No. Cum yawl.
Not F tyranny. Fuck tyranny.
Survival is all. Please help keep ebola out of your world. I write on this blog because it has many viewers to prevent forced slow kill vaccination with T K M Ebola, I hope mister Bieber is cool with that.
I am pretty sure you do not want to die of a slow kill brain eating vaccine (google search number 1) so please review the info before you judge it.
In this video I explain what is most imortant: taking colloidal silver which is proven to effectively kill Ebola by the D O D"s S T R A. The info you need including a link to the document is found on this blog:
Have you seen the following video mister Bieber?
Hollywood Star Whacker Confession by Nasty GameD
They claim in it that they are poisoning you, Britney and others through your food!!!!!!!iiiii
Please do not remove this post to prevent a global Ebola pandemic and population reduction to 500 million with slow kill T K M Ebola vaccines.
I like some of your songs but its mainly because of the amount of viewers that I post here.
List of pandemics caused by vacinations is also found on my blog.
Join my new group on face book:
Ebola Pandemic Prevention and Survival.
Blind man sees for the first time in decades
Larry Hester, 66, lost his sight in his 30s -- but thanks to a new bionic eye, he is beginning to see light.
It does not matter if its a direct flight. A non direct flight with stops in other countries increases the spreading risk if the Ebola virus has mutated into its highly virulent, airborne, deadlier variant already.
People that do not show any symptoms and have no fever can be carriers of the Ebola virus like Eric Duncan.
No proof what so ever that this mutated strain is not airborne yet.
Self replicating nanobots in the T K M Ebola vaccine: Lipid Nano Technology designed to lobotomize the worlds global population to reduce it to 500 million.
The people that want to kill you all to reduce the worlds global population will pretend that the opposite is true and that they want to help you.
Duncan didn't start exhibiting symptoms until after he arrived in Dallas.
This has conditioned you not to take their vaccine under any circumstance of course. I understand.
Planned deepopulation video:
Who has planned the deepopulation: Adolfo Nicholas leader of the Jesuits and in control of the Committee of 300 the subversive body of the club of rome.
How do they plan to kill 7 billion people: by keeping the borders of infected countries open and injecting 6.8 billion people with a slow kill vaccine: T K M Ebola.
How can we prevent being depopulated our selves: only if enough of us take colloidal silver which has been proven to effectively kill the ebola virus and its mutations because of its mechanism of action by the Department of Defense their designer viruses, the ebola lassa tekmira chimera and the other strain, can not spread to create a global pandemic to force vaccinate everybody to death.
So we need to show everybody the report of the D O D that proves colloidal silver is the only effective ebola cure. The main stream media are lying about this to fearmonger to inject everybody with their deadly poisons, death in a vial. We need to spread this crucial information as fast as possible to prevent a pandemic from forming and to prevent these committee of 300 members Margaret Chan and George Soros from declaring a level 6 pandemic to make injection with their deadly T K M Ebola vaccine mandatory to reduce the worlds global population to 500 million. We must of course prevent this worst case scenario from unfolding by any means necessary and the best and perhaps the only way is making everyone take colloidal silver so a pandemic can not form despite open borders, bad tests, misdiagnosis and bad screening and the fact that ebola patients have reached many countries including the U S already and the infection of countries in Africa started with one ebola patient travelling or people in Africa being injected with Ebola by Tekmira.
Please spread this youtube video to survive the planned deepopulation:
Changed the title of the video.
Must see! Important! Only way to survive ebola pandemic by preventing it! Spread like wild fire
Must see! Important! Only way to survive ebola pandemic mandatory slow kill vaccination colloidal silver spread like wild fire.
Its the only way for us to survive.
Its to lobotomize you, not to zombify you, deepopulation is behind just about everything they do.
See the goals of the Committee of 300 on this blog.
Predictive programming = desensitizing.
Make a survival is all strategy.
Buy colloidal silver (nano silver and storable food (rice peanutbutter etc.) + kiwi's.
Buy nano silver here: doctor rima knows.com, D R Rima (with R I M A) knows.com